Folks with 100lbs or more to lose



  • lisaz0265
    lisaz0265 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been down this road a couple of times. My highest weight was 352 lbs. I am currently at 270ish pounds. I had gastric bypass 5 years ago and I got down to about 195 lbs, the lowest I've been since child birth. I realize that the surgery helped my stomach with loosing weight, but unless I get my head fixed I will never be able to get to a goal or keep it off. Here's what I mean. . . I think I deserve to eat food. I know that sounds crazy, but I see all my thin friends eating anything they like. So I have this inner talk telling me, you are just as good as they are, you should be able to have that piece of cake, pie, cookie, 2nd helping, mc donald's, etc. . . I know I feel better when I'm eating less, but I feel like I'm missing out on something. Anyway, I'm on this thing to stick it out and hopefully in the meantime, be able to learn a little self-control.:blushing:
  • Amandarae119
    Amandarae119 Posts: 11 Member
    I am working my way to loosing over 100 pounds. I never cared what I ate when I was younger and have always had an unhealthy relastionship with food, using it as my medication. In my younger days it did not add any weight, I however was a competative swimmer, swimming 2 hours a day 6 days a week, throw in lifting and 2 a days I burned what i did eat. Then I stopped swimming but continued to eat like I did when I was swimming. 12 years later here I am, one child, and one back surgery and about 150 pounds gained since high school. I am down 20 pounds, and back in the pool, bound and determined to be happy and healthy for myself and of course my son. I still have a long way to go but I will be there. My biggest struggle is thinking it is happening too slowly, then I have to step back and think that even with my loosing and gaining over the years it took me 12 years to get at my biggest point, so not that i want to take 12 years to loose it, but it puts into perspective that I am actually loosing faster then I gained!! Good luck to everyone!! feel free to add me a friend.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Great progress so far and good on you for taking this on in such a sensible manner. Similar boat here where I stand. Peak weight just under 350. Currently at 298 and slow and steady goals to get that down into the 200-210 range.

    Let's get this **** done.

    FR sent.
  • FYI: I forgot to mention I had gastric bypass surgery. With all my numerous health issues, it was surgery or the morgue. I have 4 children aged 21, 19, 10, and 7 and I am not ready to leave my babies. And if anyone thinks surgery is the easy way out let me tell you just how wrong you are. I for one am grateful that I had the option and it saved my life and now my children have a much healthier mommy. I would ask that unless you understand the situation that no one judges my decisions. After having a stroke while 7 months pregnant with my last child, my weight spiraled out of control to the point to where it was surgery or die. And it took two years to get the surgery once I was approved. So it isnt something the surgeon, insurance companies, doctors, or yourself take lightly. It involves alot more than a surgical procedure. It is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT.
    I could not agree more. With my wife having surgery I have gone to the meetings with her. I have been to the doctor and listened to everything and all the risks. Having surgery is a huge step and one that for some folks is unavoidable. I have the same admiration and respect for folks that have the surgery as I do the natural methods. There is no magic bullet for weight loss. Either way your going to be in for a fight! If I had not had such success this time I would have got the surgery because I felt like at my age I was pressed for time. But I didnt have a life or death immediate reason to do it. The fear of getting to that point made me turn things around.
  • rj113
    rj113 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is RJ and I'm 26 years old and currently 236 lbs (I've lost 4 since joining MFP). Hoping to lose 100-115 lbs total. I had successfully lost about 55 lbs during my high school years doing Weight Watchers, but I put everything back on during my time in college. At this point, I'm pretty much the heaviest I've ever been and I'm battling hypertension. I really want to change my lifestyle and make smarter, healthier choices regarding what I put into my body. I don't want to do any crazy diets (I've tried and failed both Atkins and South Beach), I just want to teach myself better food habits.
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    I completely understand how you feel :smile:
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    FYI: I forgot to mention I had gastric bypass surgery. With all my numerous health issues, it was surgery or the morgue. I have 4 children aged 21, 19, 10, and 7 and I am not ready to leave my babies. And if anyone thinks surgery is the easy way out let me tell you just how wrong you are. I for one am grateful that I had the option and it saved my life and now my children have a much healthier mommy. I would ask that unless you understand the situation that no one judges my decisions. After having a stroke while 7 months pregnant with my last child, my weight spiraled out of control to the point to where it was surgery or die. And it took two years to get the surgery once I was approved. So it isnt something the surgeon, insurance companies, doctors, or yourself take lightly. It involves alot more than a surgical procedure. It is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT.
    I could not agree more. With my wife having surgery I have gone to the meetings with her. I have been to the doctor and listened to everything and all the risks. Having surgery is a huge step and one that for some folks is unavoidable. I have the same admiration and respect for folks that have the surgery as I do the natural methods. There is no magic bullet for weight loss. Either way your going to be in for a fight! If I had not had such success this time I would have got the surgery because I felt like at my age I was pressed for time. But I didnt have a life or death immediate reason to do it. The fear of getting to that point made me turn things around.
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for that. I deal almost daily with someone telling me I took the easy route. I just laugh and go on. I know how I feel and what circumstances I take. I have never been a huge eater and I have always enjoyed walking yet I put the weight on. I weighed 120 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child and with every pregnancy the weight blossomed on. I couldnt lose it. After my stroke it was crazy out of control. I workout 4/5x a week now and am currently down 111lbs since November. I feel great for the first time in over 20 yrs.
    DJLMB Posts: 43 Member
    Hiya :) I have nearer to 200lb to lose and did consider surgery after my doctor implied that I'd be eligible to have it done on the NHS.. but I didn't consider it for long for two reasons, firstly because I think it's my own damn fault and i should try a lot harder to fix it myself before taking money away from, in my mind, more deserving patients, and secondly because the literature I read on it scared me to death! There's a considerable chance of it killing me at my current weight, not to mention the fact that it's irreversible and I'd never be able to eat normally again. Definitely not for me.

    I'm lucky in that, though I'm over 330lb, I'm still physically able to do regular exercise like walking and light aerobics, so I don't think I'm beyond being able to help myself. I know I'd feel differently if I weren't fit enough to try by myself, so don't get me wrong, the option of surgery is a good idea for other people. I've actually seen a few stories on here where people have been told to lose a little weight before the surgery, and in doing so have realised that they can go the whole way without it, which is just fantastic!

    Edit to add: I personally didn't feel that I had REALLY tried hard enough with every other option before surgery.
  • Everyone has different reasons for what method they choose to use to lose weight. There are many folks out there that have to have surgery or they are going to die. Sounds scary but it's a fact. There are risks and possible complications with any surgery. Any time you go under your taking a risk. The real issue with surgery is not the the surgery it's self but how folks approach life afterwards. Anyone of those surgeries can fail and folks can regain the weight. My mother in law is friends with a lady that had gastric bypass and she stretched out her stomach and regained the weight. You still have to take care of yourself and you have to follow the plan the nutritionist lays out for you. if not very bad things can happen.
    Folks that go into it thinking it is a magic bullet and they can just do the same old thing after surgery get a rude awakening. I have a close friend and a cousin that got the sleeve and they have talked to me in depth about everything they have had to do. They both had great success but they earned it! I was so close to having the surgery but mostly i chose not to because I could still do it myself. I knew that if I was going to get serious and really do it I could lose the weight. It has been HARD! Really hard and there are times when i just wanted to go back to the same old stuff.
    But I made a commitment to my children that I would do this. I promised them I would change and take better care of myself. So there is no way i will ever go back. I see these guys in the gym talking about training for this power lifting meet or getting ready for a 5k and so on. Sometimes they ask me what my goals are.. Its always the same answer. I just want to live.. Im just trying to extend my life and not let obesity kill me!
  • Hey everyone.
    I am also looking to lose roughly 100lbs. I currently weigh 264lbs. In 2011, I started working out obsessively to avoid having to deal with a marriage that was falling apart. By mid 2012, I was down to about 200lbs. I was feeling great about myself. I chose to end my marriage and the mess that followed was stressful and very difficult to deal with. I have since gained most of my weight back.

    Fast forward a few years and I am ready to get back to where I was and then some. I am looking for some friends to motivate me and push me as well as to share recipes and whatnot. I can also be found on Instagram under the same username.

    Thanks :)
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning all,

    When I started my weight loss journey I weighed 559 pounds. I am on track to have bariatric surgery and have to get to 500 pounds before I can have it done. I am in a situation where I am doing well now losing the weight to get to my 500 pound goal but I know from my history, losing 350 pounds on without some assistance is not feasible, as som,e have said, it is the surgery or young death.

    I started using My fitness Pal when I was at 552 lbs. Using the tracker, limiting my callorie intake and moving more, I lost 34 pounds in 6 weeks. Doing this before surgery is helping me prepare for the way I will have to eat after surgery to make it successful.

    I am always looking for more friends who truely understand the struggles to lose and maintain weight loss (and know what it feels like to be passed by that superfit person running up the hill I can barely walk up). Reading your stories and struggles really motivates and inspires me to keep going. Sometimes in the journey it really feels like I am alone and having a forum like this is a huge help.
  • I started with a goal of 117lbs. I'm currently down 66 and have been at a stall for several months. The holidays and the extremely cold Winter made me slack on working out. I decided that April was the month I was getting back into this hardcore!

    Congratulations to all of you!

    Always here for new friends! Open Diary! Feel free to send friend requests!
  • I live by the motto: "I have not failed because I have not quit trying."

    I'm printing that out and putting it up EVERYWHERE!
  • sunshinesukie
    sunshinesukie Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all,

    I've been on here for a couple of years now with periods of success and others where I have let myself drift off target.

    Recently I have been happier to apply myself and changed my goals to become more achievable and this seems to be working (so far!). I had over 200lb to lose so initially I set myself a target of 50, then 80lb. Once achieved I bumped it up to 100lb .. I have just under 10lb to go until that milestone is reached as well. Once I reach it (and I WILL reach it) I intend to make the next goal 156lb (odd number but it gets me to a nice round figure ... or not so round, whichever way you choose to look at it lol).

    I don't think there is a hard and fast 'diet' that works for everybody nor indeed works for one person long-term. The process has to be organic and as we change shape and change our lifestyles our diet has to evolve with us. That's why I think the short-term goals work well for me ... each hurdle is jumped and done with and then I look at the next one ahead of me and work out how the heck I am going to get there.

    Another metaphor that seems to work is for me is to look at losing weight in the same way I would saving cash. If one has a huge amount of money to save, say £1000 (or $1000 for our US friends!) one is almost tempted to splurge and give up because it's such a big, unreachable amount BUT if you only need to save £10 ($10) we're more inclined to scrimp a bit because it won't take long to get there. Once these amounts are saved I 'bank' them in my head ... under lock and key. Now, I might splurge a little bit on the way to the next goal BUT I won't dip into my savings.

    It's the same with weight - don't dip in, once you've reached the next rung of the ladder you can't fall backwards..... keep climbing = keep saving = keep losing!!

    That's my theory anyway .... and I'm sticking to it! :)

    Anyone wants to add me, please do x
  • Rydersmomma19
    Rydersmomma19 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am in my early 20's and I too have well over 100 lbs to lose, and being 5'2 doesn't help me much. I have always been overweight since I can remember. I think the last time I wore a pair of jeans that was not in the size 20 range I was in middle school. I was doing a low calorie diet and exercise in 2012 where I had went from 290 to 235 but then I got comfortable in a relationship and got pregnant and had a baby this past year, needless to say through hormones and emotions I ate my way to a little over 300 lbs. Now that my son is 6 months old I think I am more than ready to get this weight off of me so I can become healthy and more active for not only myself but my son. I don't want to be the mom that has a hard time playing with her little one because of her weight. I am starting all over, on day 3. Eating low calorie and trying to be more active in the house (cleaning and DVD's). I wish the best for everyone. I am always open to new motivating supportive friends!
  • garthstone
    garthstone Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 32, 6"2 and started at 346 pounds, with a goal of 220. This, sadly, is the second time I've lost this weight.. The first time I lost 125 pounds before injuring my back. The herniated disk took over a year to heal, in which time I put all the weight back on.

    This time around I'm using this site and a fitbit to help me reach my goals.. I've spent 10 years of my life hating myself, and I'd like to put that behind me and get on with it!
  • Have any of you ever tried Paleo or low the low carb version of paleo?
  • Anyone that's looking for an add feel free to add me and check out my food diary to see how I do carb cycling. I don't put on here what I do for exercise because MFP is seriously lacking on strength training stuff.
  • Hello,

    This is my second attempt at using this service. The first time I tried to use the tools but didn't really engage with the community, and I think that was a big mistake, this time I want to really go all in. I started again a couple of weeks ago, and I am really motivated right now, but I know that when that motivation starts to wane I'm gonna need a community to help me along.

    I am 35 years old right now and was weighing 360 pounds. I have now gotten down to 340, but still have about 140 pounds to lose... I know this is going to be a long road, but I really have to do this.

    I've always been very shy and speaking in public forums like this one is not really something I am used to. But I'm hoping to make some friends here that share similar goals, and hopefully we can all help each other reach our goals.

    I'm currently working with a low-carb diet that reduces my carb intake to under 50 per day and maintains a good balance of lean fat and protein with lots of veggies for the rest of my food. I was worried that there would be hunger related to it but thankfully, I have been feeling full most of the time. The majority of the food I'm eating is home-made, with some exceptions on days when there is absolutely no time or when I have to eat out with clients. I'm also exercising at least three times a week, most weeks trying to workout 4-5 times. The exercise at this weight can be tricky for me, as the weight really puts a good amount of stress on my joints but I've found routines that allow me to get a decent workout in without risking any injury.

    Recently I reached a small goal I had which was to be able to jog for two minutes straight in the middle of my walk. I know it sounds really tiny but when I first started I couldn't even finish my 3 mile walk without slowing down to almost a crawl at some point in it. So I am happy about this goal, and will continue to slowly build towards being able to jog more.