

  • ok but will you say i am sedentary? and is the harris-benedict equation accurate for u?
  • please give some advice......
  • or should i go for mixed seafood with vegetables???
  • thanks a lot guys so i guess eating 1800 calories a day wont help me gain muscle at all and most of u seem to believe that 134 pounds for 5'8 is too light? I better start eating more then :)
  • oh really? ive always thought my maintenance is just below 2000 calories.... ill try to up it a bit,, do u think my weight is healthy?? if i feel very tired some days does this mean i am not eating enough?
  • thank u everyone, i am looking to up my calorie intake from around 1900 calories a day to 2200 calories from now,, is this sensible if i do resistance and strength training most days??
  • thanks for ur opinion,, thats great for u. Many people have said I look just a bit too skinny. So the fact that some say you can have a calorie deficit and build muscle is not true right? I am just scared that if i eat around 2300 calories a day (500 more than what I used to) it is a bit too much but I guess I already need…
  • well I eat school meal so I dont have much choice for bread rolls. Would you suggest I should eat white bread roll if i have no alternatives? Or can you suggest any other alternatives?
  • well i fill half my plate with green salad anyway (cabbage most of the time). would u recommend any other veggies?? Normally I have a french dinner roll (one of those normal size crusty ones),, are they healthy? Because sometimes I feel like I need more energy to go through the day...... will eating a plain sponge cake…
  • thank you. I mean if i dont go for the bread roll i feel i lack the carbs because if i eat pasta with my salad i feel like i am taking in too many calories and without any source of carbs i sometimes have this temptation to go for sponge cakes....... surely a bread roll must be better for me than a sponge cake right? and…
  • ok will blueberries do the job? and is it good to have green tea everyday? or is black tea better??
  • thanks a lot guys in terms of fruits, which ones should i buy so far my main fruits are apples and grapes. Are they enough?
  • so should i still continue to count calories?? or just concentrate on eating healthy and exercise? If I should still count calories to maintain weight can you please recommend my calorie intake daily for me. lets assume I run a mile 5 days a week.
  • thanks for the help peeps... On most days I go for a mile (or even 2 mile) run so is it really that important for me to count calories?? Because if I eat healthy and only snack on apples and grapes (which I have been doing) surely that wont make me fatter right?
  • UK!!! well ive been restricting my calorie intake to around 1800 calorie per day for around a month now and thats probably why ive been losing weight so should i eat more? mayb aim for 2000+ calorie? because I dont think i will eat enough protein with a 1800 calorie diet.
  • well saturday is my day out basically. i just want some opinions because i dont want to go for the unhealthy option. So can you recommend some good healthy choices for both cuisines please..
  • well many people have said I am too thin. I go for a mile (at least) 6 times a week. But am i right to think that I have to eat enough in order to gain muscle?
  • If i walk around 30-45 minutes at a normal pace everyday could you give me a reasonable amount?
  • but that is just the BMR right? so can you help me out with a realistic calorie?
  • it says I should aim for around 2050 calories.................anyone agree that this is a reasonable amount?
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