thanks so much for all the info!
yes you are correct it was water and waste . It is meant to jump start weight loss I have coworkers that started with the raw vegan cleanse which is just uncooked veggies and fruit all day. The good news is none of that weight came back for me or them. I am going to keep my workout plan 4 days a week and see what happens…
Thanks so much for responding all of this really helps!
when I was doing the raw vegan detox and just eating cooked food for dinner I lost 9 pounds in 10 days more tan I have lost since then . The good news is it broke my soda addiction and fried food addiction
ok I will change my settings one sec
Yes I have been eating some of my workout calories back last night with the workout calories I only had 21 calories remaining. Is that the problem?
also I take Bp meds that slow my heart rat but once I geet going with cardio it is not heart to reach my target heart rate. I see inches dropping but to get off BP meds I must lose 25 pounds.
I am 5ft9 and I let my fitness pal choose my cals based on the info I put in. I normally either walk a mile then get on the precor machine for about forty minutes. I do Zumba twice a wekk and do some cardio after that normally only about 15 mins though all I can stand after zumba:smile:
ok so eating more would boost my weight loss? Is that gboosting my metabolism or something?
Thanks for sharing I am the same height as you and I started at 255 and thought I only wanted to get down to 190 but seeing your pics lets me know I can still look and be healthy at a even lower weight . Congrats and thanks so much.
Great thanks for responding!
Thanks that make since being more polite!
Thanks so much for responding!
My goal is to get off blood pressure meds and to get down to 190 pounds right now I am at 247