soloved1 Member


  • Go to the site there is a calulator that will calculate calories burned according to your stats. I hope this helps.... Lisa
  • I would have to say "yes" because it is outside your ordinary daily activities that constitute BMR. Lisa
  • Hi Dawn, Your tenacity is admirable! I worked 7p-7a shifts as a Nurse, it was challenging to stay the course and eat healthy; for myself to succeed I would eat a very light dinner before work then take cut veges and fruit for the night and drank plenty of water, staying away from diet drinks they increased my appetite, I…
  • Good morning, I do not know the battle of cancer, but, I have seen its force in the life of those I love; you have fought valiantly a battle of great magnitude; I would encourage you to allow yourself time to rest from that battle and to process what you have physically been through, in time you will have surer footing and…
  • Every journey of a thousand steps began with just one, you have taken that step; just keep you eyes on the goal and remember just one step at a time and one day at a you have accomplished much by beginning. I applaud your honesty and humility and I look forward to following your journey and walking with you…
    in Hello Comment by soloved1 August 2011