My story...

Hi all!
Started the site about a week ago, but have been on the weight loss journey for forever...and when I say forever....I mean it! I was large as a child; 100lbs in k-garten and that just steadily increased until I graduated at 250. Lets just say high school life for me wasn't that great. My parents tried everything~~bribing me, anything except how to eat healthy and to exercise. I was able to shed 100 lbs during a divorce and attending school...not sure how, but I just lost it.

Slowly over the last 15 years and a new marriage, birth of a child~~the weight is back...ALL of it. I have tried every diet there is to try. I'll lose a few and gain them back- always the same 15 lbs. I decided this year I was sticking to a plan; eating healthy and moving this butt at least 3x a week....So far so good.... but I have some questions...please any and all advice would be appreciated.

1. I work 3-12 hour night shifts 7p-7a. when adding my calories for the day I'm not sure where to stop or begin a new day. a typical day I get off at 7am and go to sleep 9am-2pm. any other shift workers care to share secrets?

2.For the most part, I do eat healthy; chicken, salads and tons of veges. most day/nights I consume 800 or less calories. and drink plenty of water. At work, I am on my feet running the halls nonstop. Since Jan 1st I've incorp. 30 mins of exercise into each day (except 1) treadmill, dance, aerobics.....and haven't lost ONE stinkin' pound.

I'm not giving up, but I'm so discouraged! :mad:

I've had people tell me that maybe I don't eat enough and my body has "shut down" won't shed pounds.....wouldn't this exercise, although only 30 mins a day have helped that? I've tried WW, in the past and have gained by eating my allowed points....crazy.

Like I said, I'm not giving up, I know that sooner or later the scale will go down if I continue to work at it. Just looking for some insight from others who may of had the same issues. ::happy:



  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, welcome.

    My husband used to do shift work and it is a killer on your body because of the constant routine change. Have you talked with your dr just to make sure everything is ok and nothing is "blocking" your weight loss? I would evaluate your diet (maybe even meet with a registered dietician) and keep up with your exercise plan. Try not to get discouraged it will come. Take your measurements because sometimes the scale will not show you results but you maybe losing inches. Make sure you are drinking enough water also.
    Good luck it will come!
  • piercedanatomy
    piercedanatomy Posts: 28 Member
    Pick when you want to start your food diary and just count the 24 hours. It doesn't matter when you start it just as long as you are consistent with it. I prefer to start counting in the evening when I'm hungriest so I don't go over as easily than starting in the morning.
  • soloved1
    soloved1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Dawn,
    Your tenacity is admirable! I worked 7p-7a shifts as a Nurse, it was challenging to stay the course and eat healthy; for myself to succeed I would eat a very light dinner before work then take cut veges and fruit for the night and drank plenty of water, staying away from diet drinks they increased my appetite, I took enough to keep me through the night into the morning hours for quick grab snacks here and there. When I got home I would get cleaned up for bed then sit down for a healthy breakfast nothing too heavy (cereal, juice or omelette) than go to sleep and would wake up around 3pm for late lunch. I did not look at my work as an interruption to my diet just part of my day, it helped to me to just do as I normally would do on my off days and not deviate.

    I hope this may, in some small way help you, make sure you are checking labels for hidden sugars and also consider you build muscle as you exercise and if you are weighing too frequently you will see small gains from muscle, once a week is usually good and gives your body adjustment time. The note encouraging you to speak with your Dr. about any health conditions and to possibly to get counsel from a Nutritionist was wise; take this one day at a time, you are already doing a great job and I know I will hear of your successes soon. Lisa
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    You definitely need to eat more. Use the Tools to calculate your BMR. You need that just to maintain your heart rate, breathing, etc. Otherwise, your body is going to go into starvation mode and hold on to everything it can.

    Please don't give up. Set up your profile and set it to loose one or two pounds a week. Then target as close as possible to that amount of calories. Some people eat back the "exercise" calories and some don't.

    I've only been on here for about 3 months, and I have lost 18 pounds. A few of them I have lost more than once, but that's the total net loss. I was not a fat child. In fact, I was quite thin until I had children. Like you, I lost all the extra after a divorce, just nerves. I have been carrying about 70-80 extra pounds since my last two kids came along - 21+ years! This is the time it is going to work, because I'm not dieting. I'm changing the way I eat and look at food. I'm looking to develop a new, healthier lifestyle.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend for support.
  • aerdna88
    aerdna88 Posts: 74 Member
    I am new to all I have no advice as I havent seen weight loss either...Im kinda bummed because I am working out over an hour every day!! BUT...I am trying to stay positive so I dont give up....anyway, add me as a friend...I'd like to be there to encourage you along your journey!!
