

  • I don't do the whole bulk cut cycle I do more of a constant lean bulk staying lean while adding muscle. It takes more dedication than your typical cult bulk cycle but much more worth it cause you don't feel like a fat f@ck.
  • I dont really do any cardio when I bulk, if i do cardio it would be like maybe 20 minutes on the elliptical to keep my heart strong
  • "Opened my diary, nothing to hide here. But than again I'm not making claims that other's are hangry or under nourished. Nope, I don't eat one meal daily ;), and yea, I'm a grandmother ~ was that meant to be some kind of insult?? What would make you reply with nastiness like "whatever crap I stuff my face with"? SMH noway…
  • This is exactly what I was referring to. Why is it sooo wrong to have a piece of pizza! Like it is some poisonous thing. If you don't eat pizza because you find it gross than that is totally understandable. But I have scene this "snobbish" attitude from others (from myself and even clients) and this is one of the worst…
  • I've eaten every which way there is. And with each way of eating I have kept my weight off for 4 years. But I love IIFYM it is non restrictive and you don't need to have an anxiety attack when someone brings you a slice of pizza!! from my experience EVERYONE I have ever met on a restrictive diet has relapsed and then felt…
  • Why is this in the fitness and exercise thread??????
  • Whenever you make progressive changes you may feel it in new places. For example I started lifting heavy again and will keep at it for about 3 more weeks. Like one of the posters said there is always sort of a lingering soreness but nothing debilitating.
  • Try looking into a 5 day push pull program. The program I do and many like the ones I offer my clients who are looking to gain mass revolve around many compound lifts and working the same muscle group twice a week. if you not seeing gains anymore from working a single group once a week it is time to up the frequency, This…
  • THIS Are you tracking your weights and reps?? IF not you should be
  • I look at soreness like this. If it hurts just to touch the muscle or (sore to the touch) I'm not recovered. If i'm just slightly sore or tight I will workout. As far as DOMS goes the theory that "you didn't get a good enough workout unless you have doms is total bro science" I know bodybuilders who have not gotten sore in…
  • Studies have shown that it takes as little as 3 days of inactivity to start losing strength gains, however this does not mean that the muscle will atrophy.
  • I remember when i thought 2700 was "too much food" then i tried it with a proper macro breakdown and I lost weight!! Also if your doing turbo fire at 212lbs your prob burning over 700 calories a workout for the longer workouts. so technically your only netting 1700 which will more than likely put you below your bmr and you…
  • Thats Exactly what i meant :)
  • Losing fat= caloric deficit Gaining muscle= caloric surplus These two things CANNOT happen at the same time. This is why Bodybuilders use bulk and gain cycles. You can however lose fat which will lean you out giving you a harder look :)
  • My wife made a kick *kitten* taco pizza last night. She only cooks healthy, i know she used ground turkey 93% lean and whole wheat dough. Send me a Friend request and ill have her give me the recipe for you :)
  • This! Also I havent done cardio in months only time i Cardio is when I cut. Honestly i dont plan on doin cardio untill my show prep starting this winter! If your worried about your cardio endurance suffering studies say that you only need 1-2 high intensity sessions a week to maintain your cardio endurance. Good luck :)
  • I feel the 1200 calorie mark is way to low. i read a may clinic study that suggested 1200 calories is the bare minimum an adult woman should go. Males was 1500. Anything below these two numbers was not recommended unless your prescribed a vlcd. Honestly i would follow the 250-500 deficit rule.
  • just google "online workout programs"
  • What exactly are you looking to accomplish. for example you say "strength" training are you looking to get stronger or just tone up and lean out? there is a huge difference. One who wants to train to gain strength needs to do many sets with low reps which means you need ALOT of weight.
  • Not doing bodybeast but been on a bodybuilding program now for a while :) Let me know how it goes. I've been very skeptical of this program because bodybuilding involves many compound moves ie bench military press decline press squats deads etc. compound moves is what will get that hgh flowin! Anyway keep me posted on your…
  • Yes very possible. Look at it this way. the average bf% of a pro bodybuilder on stage is around 3 percent. Certainly just by bf they are not considered overweight. But if you took their BMI (which goes by weight and height) they would show as being obese!
  • 20 minutes of cardio before lifting is excessive. I warm-up with light sets. warming up with cardio before weight training is not necessary :)
  • If im on a cycle where I am monitoring weight I do it every Friday morning first thing after I hop out of bed.
  • You wanna build strength stay below 6 reps.
  • When it comes to injury it is best to have all the info possible, sorry you think that i'm trying to hock things online.
  • Compound exercises. Military press. bench press, squats anything that involves multiple muscle groups. Start on machines if not use to free weights. DBs are good but if you have access to the gym use machines. DB's are good but arent neccesary yet :)
  • Everyone is a doctor! I train people recovering from injury many chriro and pt patients have come to me after insurance runs out. PM me or fr me. I dont want to write a book on here to answer your question :)
  • Hey man. MFP is great i have had better results when i use it to track macronutrients.
  • I'd love to help :) I use to be too fat too handle myself. FR sent