

  • Wish I had time to write more and will later... just don't give up!! Stop being so hard on yourself we all have off days and weeks that we put our bodies though hell and see nothing on the scale and it sucks!! Don't give up on youself! With every exercise, everytime you stop and think about what goes into your body you are…
  • Great job you guys! It's nice to have a friend along the way to help you. I'm so very thankful for my bestie we help each other everyday.
  • I agree with Lisa above make sure you try the stroller out first before buying in the store this is something not only your child will need but you will need to enjoy your walk/jog. I have the Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System Stroller - Windsor from Toys R Us I've been very happy with it. If you have a consigment…
  • No matter what you decided just keep moving. I do think if you are starting out, you should start out walking. Before long you will get bored and by this time you will have lost weight then maybe you speed it up to a slow jog and you just keep going. No matther what just listen to your body. Good luck with whatever you…
  • Thanks everyone going to start shopping now. :smile: