Ok, so clearly I lack the self control it takes to do this properly. I'll have one good day followed by one really bad day and the pattern continues. I've lost no weight, in fact I've gained nearly 2 pounds in the last month. I also started what I could only call the most intense workout I've ever done in my life and I've been mostly consitent with it. It's been 3 weeks on it and the first week I lost 2 and a half inches. Well gues what......since then I've gained those inches back and some weight. So not only does it SEEM like a giant waste of time, it IS a giant waste of time. I can't control my eating, so at this point is there any reason to keep on exercising? It learly is doing absolutley NOTHING for me. So anyway I guess what I'm asking is would you keep putting yourself through the guilt if it's not helping?


  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Can I ask....do you plan in advance your foods for the day or do you eat the foods and at the end of the day lod all you have eaten onto MFP???
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Exercise isn't just for losing weight so yes I would keep doing it.
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    You can do it. Just stop telling yourself you cant and start slowly!! One thing at a time. Maybe start by cutting out your eating past a certain time at night then when youre good at that move to the next task and so on. Dont give up!!!
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Do not give up, Look in the mirror and realize you are HUMAN !!! Nobody said it's going to be easy.

    The good thing is, everyday is an attempt to start over. Yesterday never matters Today !!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't give up! You can get on track! Every person is different. I find it easier to eat better and track my food than to exercise regularly. Keep up the good work with the exercise and the eating part will fall into place over time. One thing at a time, one day at a time! Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Aprilbug
    Aprilbug Posts: 7
    Wish I had time to write more and will later... just don't give up!! Stop being so hard on yourself we all have off days and weeks that we put our bodies though hell and see nothing on the scale and it sucks!! Don't give up on youself! With every exercise, everytime you stop and think about what goes into your body you are adding years to your life. Whatever you do don't give up. keep moving! :smile:
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Don't give up!! This is all in your head and you are in control! DO NOT let food control you!! Plan you food out in advance! DO NOT eat anything else. You have to want it to succeed! Figure out some good snacks to grab if you are "hungry", drink a lot of water!!! I mean A LOT! :) You can do this, don't give up! And definitely do not quit exercising. It is good for your health!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    maybe this plan isn't what works for you. Find some other form of exercise that you LOVE and try that; it'll be easier to stick to. As for food, don't try to change everything over night...small changes lead to lasting results. Maybe start with logging your food BEFORE you eat it (that way you can change portion/choice accordingly to stay with your calorie goal) Hang in there and don't be discouraged (i posted my 1 year progress pics if you need a pick me up...on my blog today)

    Good luck!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I don't plan in advance, but I do eat mostly the same things. it will be if I'm around ANY kind of other food I just eat it. That's it. I just can't help it. I just eat whatevers around. Yesrday I had steak, 2 servings of froot loops, 2 granola bars, 1 and a hlaf cups of milk, and a chocolate pudding for lunch. The day before I had 4 flippin donuts after supper! I can't stop once I start.
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Your weight is normal (or in a normal BMI range), maybe you don't have to lose weight and your body is telling you that? Not everyone has the body composition to be a supermodel and a super skinny gal.
    Why don't you just throw the scale away, exercise to get fit and health and be happy with that?

    Or do you have a reason why you must lose those pounds?
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Understand your frustration completely. Here are a couple of books to consider reading that focus on overeating (my main problem also). Keep at it, keep learning, you'll get there.

    Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life

    The Life you Want

    The End of Overeating

    Remember: "You can't out exercise a bad diet".
  • ashleighk2010
    My short answer is yes. I told this to my mom the other day (she feels the same way you do). Would you rather eat like crazy and not burn any of it off (most likely gain weight) or eat like crazy and at least burn some of it off (maybe lose a little, maybe maintain, or at least slow down weight gain.)

    Good luck. This is really tough. I didn't think I'd ever be able to stick with any weight loss program, but it has gotten so much easier lately that I'm glad I've made it out the other side, even if I still have a long way to go.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    DON'T give up. You and I are in exactly the same boat. We have almost the same amount to lose and I have been stuck at a 5lb los for 2MONTHS!!!!!!!!

    However, I took a long hard look at what I was eating. After losing all my weight last year and then putting it back on (due to a medical condition I was frustrated when I decided to give it another shot but I did.

    I can soooooooo help you with this as I've managed to crack this. Please add me as a friend if you'd like and I'll share all the things I did as it's too much to share here

    please don't give up
  • nadia2484
    You have to keep getting back on the Horse! I yo yo'd like that and it took me break down in tears to decide that I just don't want to look like this anymore. I have lost 15 pounds so far and feel really good about myself. If I feel I want a treat I have a smart ones dessert. I am not letting food control me anymore. It sucks to say no but I have to do it for me. so get back on track! Lots of Luck.
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Don't give up yet. it's hard at first but if you plan out your meals either the night before or even that morning you will have more success.
    One way I've found that works good for me is to set a schedule for my meals that way I am never hungry. you can set a timer on your phone to go off every 2 hours or even set up email reminders if you work at a desk.

    Feel free to add me if you would like. I am no expert at this but my wife and I have found a few things that work for us and will be happy to share more with you or just provide encouragement.

    Also keep reading the posts they are a great source of inspiration.

    Best of luck to you and hope you stick with this. Take care
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    if i were working our consistantly for 3 weeks and seeing results, then no matter what it took i would make sure to keep up with it because in just 3 short weeks, look what uve been able to accomplish, and sometimes, people really lack integrity with themselves.. when u promise yourself something, its not about honoring that promise, its about honoring your WORD, its about the fact that u gave ur word to doing something, its not a moral thing its about having integrity in that aspect of ur life, so if u want to do something, give your word, and then just honor it.

    and like other people have said, we all KNOW the right foods to eat, knowing doesnt make it happen, recruit support, get a workout buddy, plan ur meals ahead of time, and keep the junk out of the house! not to mention there are SO many things you can snack on if u feel hungry or just need a crunch or a sweet. Your on here for a reason, you clearly want to accomplish something, u can do it, ask for suggestions, as for help, we're all here to help each other and to support each other!

    i hope his helps a little bit! Keep up with it! dont give up! u can have anything u set ur mind to! tell urself u can do it, because u can! :)
  • lovebizaar
    lovebizaar Posts: 7 Member
    I have the EXACT same problem! I do good one day the next I do terrible and I lose no weight! But you know what everyday is a new day and you have to keep trying! If you stop complety you may have weeks of bad days and gain like 10 pounds. I say don't give up. I feel your pain though eating a low amount of calories is so hard! I wake up in the middle of the night starving and my boyfreind wants to eat pizza everynight and that's hard to resist. But I keep trying, it's alife long battle.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    This is not an all or nothing situation. Take it one day at a time, one habit at a time. You don't have to do it all at once and do it perfectly.
    Start by eating a good healthy breakfast every day. Once that becomes a habit start drinking 8 cups of water every day. Once that becomes a habit, start counting calories. Once that is habit start paying attention to where those calories are coming from, etc...

    You also don't need to do a super intense workout. Start by walking and jumping rome for 30sec. Once that is easy, start power walking and jumping rope for one minute, then add some push ups and squats.

    There's no magic to losing weight. Build healthy habits a little at a time, the extra weight wil come off and you will improve your health and fitness.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    It's hard to feel like the effort you are making with workouts isn't making a difference. And it's hard to feel like you don't have any control over your eating.

    I have to ask you though- why are you expecting instant results and instant perfection? The changes you seek aren't going to happen overnight.....I know it's easier to do when you see results, of course it is. Stay with it. Keep trying. This is a human experience...you're going to have days that suck, and you're going to have days that are awesome. The crucial point here is that you keep trying. Every day is a new one....

    Are you logging everything you eat?
    Are you eating enough?
    Are you logging your exercise and eating the calories expended back (this is important).
    Are you tracking your sodium- too much can show up on the scale.

    Food for thought: Don't use the scale as your only guage for success. How do you FEEL? How are your clothes fitting? If your exercising a lot, what's your endurance like? Is it better? Are you stronger?

    Giving power to a number alone, is very unfair to yourself. Be human. Keep trying. It's gonna be ok. Don't give up.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    A few years ago, I started a "new year's resolution" to lose weight. I mostly went the exercise route, ramping up especially on a stationary bicycle. I was doing an hour a day, burning calories, and NOTHING moved on the scale. I gave up. A few years later and probably 20 more pounds heavier, I started My Fitness Pal and lowering my calorie intake, basically getting rid of the food I knew wasn't good for me and established an eating plan. With the calorie intake much less, and with only WALKING (briskly) for exercise, in 4 months I lost 40 lbs, and now am down about 45.

    It's the food intake, really, that does it. I've read and heard in various places that 80 (or 90)% of all weight loss is reducing, frankly, how much you eat, and basically eating healthy.

    Don't kill yourself with exercise if you're not going to commit to reducing your calorie intake. Make a plan for yourself, find something that worked. For me, it involved some major changes, but it was pretty easy because I had some good inspirations--a horrible picture of me that showed how huge I had gotten was one of them. Another friend told me, when I was lamenting about how big I had gotten and how HARD it was to even THINK about losing weight, I work full-time, blah blah blah...and he said "well, it's obviously not a priority for you at this point. If it was, you'd lose weight." That really stuck with me.

    If you're still letting food get the best of you, perhaps you haven't made the commitment yet. I found that once I made the commitment, made a plan, tracked my calories, etc., the weight came off.