

  • Brooklyn5966
    I was the same exact way for literally years. I would say, oh...today im ganna start my diet. I would do good for two days and then go completely the other direction. I knew when I said I was ganna diet I wasn't serious and for the most part wasn't ready. I knew I had to be ready and thats the day i joined MFP. You have to make up your mind and stick with it. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. It's not just about losing weight, its a complete lifestyle change as well and it's take some strong people to change everything they knew and loved about food. I wish you the best of luck and hope you stick with it and if you don't, take a break. Gather all your thoughts and ideas about dieting and start again. You'll get there!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    Do not give up, Look in the mirror and realize you are HUMAN !!! Nobody said it's going to be easy.

    The good thing is, everyday is an attempt to start over. Yesterday never matters Today !!!

    I agree - and have to listen to that advice myself...instead of being hard on yourself, listen to the advice above (what i quoted plus everyone else's) and just use it as learning...if you dont have the self control eating wise that you want, try to see why: is it because you dont have much time and grab what you can, when you can? Is it stress related? I personally have a problem stress wise...my job is EXTREMELY stressfull and draining and i find myself eating emotionally...i am trying to find something else to use as stress relief, and telling myself that if i allow myself to eat really unhealthy just because my boss stressed me out, then she wins! ha ha! if it's a time and food availibility thing, then pack the night before if you can...and i found that logging it before i decide to get/eat it helps a lot too!!

    i hope some of us were able to help you! :)

    Another thing - could it be muscle? if you are working out a lot, you will build muscle before you lose fat...but then the muscle helps burn the fat - that is the understanding i have anyway...please someone tell me if i am wrong.

  • diviana
    diviana Posts: 53
    To be blunt:

    1) Exercising is not the problem. the problem is your lack of self-control. You can exercise all you want to, but you are the one negating the benefits of doing so by not following your diet. The first step to moving forward is holding yourself accountable for what you put into your mouth.

    2) If you are looking for instant gratification, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Whether you need to lose 10 lbs or 100, this involves a lifestyle change. Simply put: if you don't change your lifestyle, you won't see change anywhere else.

    3) Although common sense dictates that food in moderation is the key, the same holds true for exercise. You need to find the balance and maintain some consistency. Your body needs routine. Change the routine up once in a while to avoid plateaus, but if you're starting out, try to follow some sort of regimen. If you're going to go all crazy with eating and intense workouts from one extreme to the next, your metabolism can get out of whack.

    4) I wish you the best. I, and countless others here, know exactly how you feel. You're human, and it will take some time to find what works for you. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet :-)
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    wow ur really gonna have health issues in the future!....
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Well first of all, let's back up a little bit. Think about this for just a minute. You've had a bad day, month, months etc. But what you're saying to yourself is that you aren't worth getting back on track for your health. You'd be willing to throw it all away because you gained a measly 2 pounds a few inches back. Girl! You are worth being healthy and feeling good about yourself!!! So what if you've had a hard couple of months! Motivation and self-control come from within and by no means come easily. You have to work at them. You will slip up, and you will fail once in awhile. THAT'S LIFE! Quitting won't do you any good. You'll come back on here in 100 pounds and say, "How the heck did I let it get this bad". Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth it. Unfortunately, unless you want it bad enough, no one else can help you! We can encourage you, but you have to stop talking and just do it!!! Good luck to you. I hope you see you're worth it.
  • rljohnson11
    I agree with earlier posts, DON'T GIVE UP!
    I started out just like you did a little over a year ago. Couldn't control my eating, hated to exercise, feeling guilty, etc. And I made one small change at time. For example, instead of a loaded baked potato with my dinner, I ordered steamed vegetables. And then I started just doing 5 laps around the track at my local YMCA (which is about 1/4 of a mile). And pretty soon it was easier to make some more drastic changes (like joining MFP and seriously tracking my calories).
    Just remember, you didn't put this weight on overnight, and it won't come off overnight...
    You can do it. If you want, you can add me as a friend and I'll help support and motivate you.
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    Ok I have been going through this just like you. I've been doing p90x since Jan 31, with MINIMAL results. I'd lose a few pounds but they just come back. Seems they show up just in time that I can't log a loss at the scale. I've been so close to quitting it's not funny. But I keep on going because I know that it is doing my body good. Doesn't matter what the scale says. I still get discouraged when it doesn't say what I want it to, and I whine and complain and feel like giving up. But think about the good that exercise does....it will lower your resting heart rate, it releases feel good endorphines, your stamina will increase, and so on. Also, if you are indulging and not so good with your food right now, but you keep up the exercise, you won't gain as much as you would if you are just laying around doing nothing. Just keep exercising and your food will follow suit. DO NOT QUIT. If I'm gonna keep on doin this, then so are you! I'm right there with you. But let's do this together, I'm adding you as a friend. We can do this!!!! Don't ever give up on yourself!! You are worth too much!!!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    What is chucking in the towel going to achieve? Let this be the one time you don't quit and go back to your old ways. Exercising is for fitness and felling healthy of course it's worth doing it. I found it very hard at first but the thing that did help me was taking time to plan my meals and stick to them. Please don't give up.
  • mamafoofer
    1) exercise isn't about just losing weight or inches, it is something our bodies need to function properly and for our overall health... so try to look at it as something goo d you do fo ryour health rather than just to lose weight.

    2) I know exactly how you feel...anyone who tries to lose weight goes through this at one time or another and it is sooo frustrating! Losing weight isn't an exact science, and what works for one person won't work for someone else. It takes a little while to figure out what works best for you, you have to keep trying, keep experimenting (eating more smaller meals, more cardio, more strength training...eating back exercise calories or maybe not...) It all varies. Stick with it, just keep playing around until you see what works.

    3) This shouldn't be something you do begrudgingly or look at with any sense of guilt...we ALL have good days and bad days, somedays we eat everything perfectly, other days we scarf down 5 donuts without thinking twice...it takes time to really make changes and stick with them. Don't be so hard on yourself! Praise the days when you rae able to keep control, and try to learn from the days you don't (what were the triggers, was it stress, emotion, smell...didyou let yoursle fget too hungry?)-this way you can start to make better choices.

    Also, about 9 months ago my friend went through the same thing, exercising like crazy, following WW to the point and just kept gaining weight...she jusy had a baby boy....any chance that migh tbe the case here?

    Don't give up becasue if getting healthy is something you really want, then giving up on this is the same as giving up on yourself...don't do it!!! Just like like is a series of good and bad days, so is dieting....good luck with everything, have faith in yourself!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Don't Give Up !!!!

    I tell people all the time - "It took me almost 40 years to put this weight on, so it's going to take some time to take it off".

    Don't get fooled by the "quick" weight loss traps & schemes. Successful weight loss is only done through a lifestyle change and mofications to everything in your life. Exercise is only part of the solution.

    Set your goals to be small at 1st (1 pound a week) and then as you see the positive results, you can increase your goals.

    We ALL hit these demotivational bumps along the road to weight loss, so just keep striving towards your goals !!!!
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    I have continued to put myself through "this" and been in a plateau (for about 2 months) that is resulting in me gaining back weight.

    I've stopped recording my food right now, but continue to eat as I have "trained" myself ... and I continue to workout rather intensely despite my recent gains.

    Some things you might want to consider:

    -Starvation Mode: I'm still trying to wrap my head around this concept, but it seems very solid. You need to make sure your body receives, AT LEAST, 1200 calories per day .... after exercise! So, yes, you might need to eat back your exercise calories. (I'm still working on that one, but I've got a few "tricks" I'm going to start trying.)

    -"Diet" v "Lifestyle Change": Are you telling yourself that this is a "diet" and when you reach your goal you will no longer deprive yourself? If so, there is where your guilt lies - and where your defeat lies. This NEEDS to be a lifestyle change in order to work! Now, don't get me wrong, you don't have to deprive yourself to lose weight. (Some may argue with me on this.) I did lose weight ... for quite a few months ... and enjoyed a cup of (regular fat) ice cream every couple of nights (my treat). I haven't eaten 100% cleanly .... that would be depriving me and I would feel bad if I "cheated". I've learned portion control (which, admittedly, still sometimes gets out of control). But, early on, I did lose - close to 20 pounds!

    So, you need to look at what you are doing - both eating and working out. Do you have a heart rate monitor? That would better tell you how many calories you are burning; and give you a better idea as to how to eat. You said you are working out intensely; what are you doing?

    Now, to your question of do I think this is worth it, even though I am gaining again? Absolutely! :) My job requires me to travel to various buildings, and I always try to use the stairs whenever possible. I can go up to the 3rd and 4th floors of on building in particular, and still be able to talk when I reach the top! I might be a little out of breath, but I am now able to recover quickly. Oh, and I usually run/jog up the stairs - no walking for this old lady! :)

    Best of luck to you! (Add me if you wish)

  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Sounds like you might need a person close to you to hold you accountable for what you eat. Of course you have to have the mindset that you will attempt to rein in your eating habits also.
    I just quit smoking 4 weeks ago. Been trying for years, took all kinds of prescriptions, hypnotism, friends bugging me, rubber bands on my wrists, everything you can think of for 15 years. Finally one day I decided I wanted to quit, and I did. It is hard, really hard but I made the commitment to myself to stop. I did slip and fall once a few days ago, but I am still quitting in my mind, no matter what.
    basically, you have to make the choice for yourself. Maybe you are not ready to commit to eating well at this time. Maybe you need to see what another 50lbs on you looks like before you commit. Everyone hits their limit at different times. Don't lose weight because someone made you think you should, that won't work. I know this might come off wrong, but maybe you should give up for a bit. See how you feel in a few months. Bet you will notice being a lot more tired, run-down and grumpy.

    just my thoughts..counter-intuitive to what everyone else is saying, but hey, that's me.
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I don't plan in advance, but I do eat mostly the same things. it will be if I'm around ANY kind of other food I just eat it. That's it. I just can't help it. I just eat whatevers around. Yesrday I had steak, 2 servings of froot loops, 2 granola bars, 1 and a hlaf cups of milk, and a chocolate pudding for lunch. The day before I had 4 flippin donuts after supper! I can't stop once I start.

    I've been in the same boat for a few years now. I don't keep junk around my house, but at work people are constantly bringing junk food in and once I see it, I couldn't say no to it. I was working out 5 times a week every week for 2 years and all I could manage to do was maintain my weight. (On the bright side, I didn't gain much while I was working out!) Once I started logging my food and saw my bright red sugar and fat numbers, I slowly started gaining will power. It's still hard for me to turn down sweets, but I've managed. I don't deprive myself completely. For instance, today I had a spoonfull of rice pudding a coworker made and a spoonful of chocolate cake someone brought in. The rest of the day, I've eaten healthy meals and snacks and I've been watching my protein and carb numbers to make sure I have a good balance. I don't feel the need to pig out at all. But it took a few weeks of testing my will power and giving in a few times before getting better at it.

    So don't quit working out! Keep logging your food and start making small changes. You don't seem like you have that much to lose (neither do I), so it'll be a slow process. But giving up completely will get you in an even worse position than you are now. Is that what you really want?
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    I hope you don't give up. Everyone has their weak moments, but you also need to be real with yourself about what the possible problems could be. Go back through your food diary and look for problems or trends. Are you eating fruits and vegetables? Are you planning your food ahead of time? Are you drinking enough water? Don't skip meals. Cut back on the Starbucks and processed foods. Vary your meals more...I don't know many people who would be satisfied with porridge, which may explain why you want to binge.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    If you really want to, then give up...

    But first ask yourself, where will it get you? No where.

    At least if you're TRYING you have a *chance* to improve and lose weight.

    Nothing in life is easy. Especially weightloss.

    If I gave up everytime I was frustrated, I'd probably be back where I started.

    If you want this, you have to be 100% dedicated, even when it sucks. That doesn't mean you have to be perfect and eat perfect and work out perfectly - but it does mean that if you have a bad day or two that you have to get on board and do better the next time.

    Giving up will only make you more frustrated.
  • elifefull
    elifefull Posts: 46
    You have to ask yourself, are you eating to live or are you living just to eat. It is a mind thing, you have to think and meditate on what you are trying to accomplish health wise. It is a challenge and so is life, but we live it. You can do whatever you put your mind to. I know you can do it. No worries, No stress.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I looked at a handful of days in your food diary...

    Um, are you going to the fast food places with anyone in particular or alone? If you need convenience foods, take some time every weekend to make some stuff you can throw in the freezer. Even if you aren't 100% careful about the ingredients you use, I can guarantee you that you'll be eating healthier things with less wasted calories. Fast food is something that should be done in EXTREME moderation. Most of the flavor in the food are from cheap ingredients that will kill you (mostly fats) in time.

    And I see you're an ice cream lover. There's no shame in that. Dairy can be good for you. Ever consider getting an ice cream maker? You can make some pretty tasty frozen custards that are high in protein, nearly fat-free and sugar free if you use sugar substitutes. Adds up to not only lower cals, but an improved mood.

    Yes, improved mood. You're frustrated right now. Even moreso than most people because your body is currently running on some pretty awful things. Lots-o-sugars, lots-o-bad-fats...makes you irritated. Not only that, but there were studies done that show that you can actually become addicted. Eat better, break the addiction, then focus on weight loss. :-)

    I was there. Trust me, when you break the addiction you DON'T miss it. And when you do splurge you actually eat less of the bad stuff and wind up feeling sick afterward. When that happens you start to realize just what you were doing to your body when most of your diet was made up of "those foods".

    Every bad food has a healthy alternative that tastes JUST as good. Want pizza? Make your own with a whole wheat crust. Put some canned tomatoes and Ital seasoning in a blender and top it with TONS of veggies and a little cheese. After a while you'll start craving these kinds of things.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Just look at it this way...you are not the only one who does this, and maybe you're not starting off SLOW enough..when I started I HATED exercise of ANY type. It's not that I didn't try I just didn't like it so I didn't do it...my eating habits were really bad and I've improved lately, but my thing was that I had to tell myself that I was NOT on a diet and that I would no longer deprive myself of anything, I just make sure that it fits into my daily goal now. If it just so happens that I'm a total pig on a certain day, I'll either make up my mind to work it off the next day, but usually I'll do it that same day before bed. I don't want you to think that any of this is easy because it's not, but once your mind is made up, you'll see that no matter how you mess up one day, tomorrow is just a day away. Sometimes when you think that a gain or a non-loss is your fault, it's not. There's TOM, weight training, and just plain old being a woman or being a certain age that can screw things up a bit, but the main thing is to stick with it no matter what...even if you have to take a day or two break, as long as you are willing to get back to it sooner or later you can still succeed. It just boils down to work, patience, and taking it one day at a time....I wish you the best!!! You can do it!!!:sad: :grumble: :yawn: :smokin:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    A few months ago I was working out really hard, about 4 to 5 times a week. I gained and not lost. I felt like giving up. I knew that I was not really watching what I ate. I decided to cut back on the exercise and increase healthy eating. I decided to put myself on a moderate exercise routine and a more regimented eating plan. For the past month, I’ve felt better about my weight lost efforts. I don't feel stressed about eating or exercise and I started losing weight.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Please don't give up! You are worth so much more than that. If you truly do have an issue with portion control and eat ing a little bit of what you like when it comes to sweets you must get an appetite suppresant. You have to plan ahead and tell yourself that you have set goals you want to reach. I personally have been taking 5-HTP and it levels my mood, supresses my appetite, and helps me sleep. I hope things get better for you. If you add me as a friend you can look at my menus. I even log when I eat something bad and how I clean it up.