

  • Today is the first day that I actually have "leftover" calories!!! I did not think it could be done...
  • I know, I know but they are oh so good! I am going to have to go to bed to keep me from eating it!
  • My mother brought over a dozen for my kids and I am SERIOUSLY debating eating one right now! Ahhh, I hate dieting! Thanks for letting me get that off of my chest!
  • Love that! The more exercise the more you can eat! Maybe I should run a marathon daily...
  • I would like to hear suggestions on this as well! Once I am at the gym, no problem. But getting there...
  • I know I should not eat that last piece of cake, and I won't for atleast a few hours, but eventually I eat the cake!!!! It does not matter if I have it in the house or not because I will drive to it!!! I have ZERO willpower, any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
  • Yeah, I think I knew that but was!
  • I had actually inquired about it to my Doctor and he said if I was still serious when I see him again (this week) he would prescribe me something.
  • I am right at 180 lbs right now and eventually want to make it to 140 lbs. I want to be 150 lbs. by mid June early July. Is this something that is attainable or are my dreams working in overtime???
  • Austin for me, my husband just seperated from the military and we were in California for 3 years and North Dakota for 4. So happy to be back in Texas!
    in Hello Comment by mawiggins April 2008
  • My doctor said that if I was really interested he would consider prescribing a diet pill, I think he said fentermine. Has anyone had any experience with this before, if not this medication any others. I have always been against diet pills because my mother lived on them when I was growing up and I never saw a difference. I…
  • Thanks for the words of encouragement! My son definitely loves his walks...we just moved to Texas from California and we are still dealing with all the stresses leftover from that on top of a new baby! I think the weight just adds an extra brick. Thanks, Amanda
    in Hello Comment by mawiggins April 2008
  • I am new not only to this forum but to any online forum. I have become so discouraged with myself and I feel like I have given up hope! I was 140 a year ago, got pregnant and gained entirely too much weight! At Christmas I was 178 and decided to go on a diet. I lost 12 pounds and was ecstatic but am now back up to 179! I…
    in Hello Comment by mawiggins April 2008