

  • Thank you for this. It is unfortunate to see all the bad advice given out by people here based on nothing but bad pseudo science.
  • I'm sorry, but this is pseudo science and horrible advice. Routine can make diet plans more difficult to follow, so it is no doubt good to vary your routine. However, there is no science to the idea that there is any physical effect from doing the same verses different things. Losing weight is extremely simple math:…
  • The one I linked from Amazon, made by Timex does use a chest strap. I only plan on buying one with a chest strap for sure. Others are just not accurate enough.
  • I agree. The calories you burn at work is accounted for when you choose your daily activity level.
  • I would definitely start measuring. You may find that what you consider a portion is smaller than the actual portion. First, I use liquid and solid measuring cups for all foods measured by volume. I would also buy a food scale because many foods also measure by weight. There is a decent one you should be able to find at…
  • They do and I love it! I get a sampler pack that comes with chocolate and caramel (2 times the chocolate) from Costco. Both are outstanding, but I think I prefer the chocolate just a tad. I've seen in the food database a mint chocolate as well, but haven't seen it in stores to try it unfortunately because it sounds so good.
  • I don't worry too much about the individual numbers, especially not on a daily basis. This is all about long term averages over periods of weeks, not each day. Just don't be consistently over on one particular area and average your calories out to the right amount and you will be fine. Here is a list of some of the snacks…
  • Thanks everyone for the very helpful information. I am donating on the 29th and was just thinking about this same dilemma to avoid eating the cookies they always give away!
  • Wow, great pictures. It was obviously very effective, congrats on all the hard work. You look great!
  • I am thinking about starting this but did have a question. Does anyone know of a decent way to track the calories burned during these workouts since they aren't once consistent exercise? When I start, I definitely want to be able to track the calories burned in my diary so I can eat accordingly. Thanks!
  • Awesome. Congrats! I know when you see yourself every day, the change day to day is not noticeable so you never see the difference. Pictures are perfect to help with this. I am taking monthly pictures of myself to track the changes to my appearance so I can appreciate the differences.
  • One tip to the OP that I ran into with my wife the other day when she cooked (I am the cook 95% of the time) is to make sure you weigh any meats before you cook for calorie counting purposes. Precooked weights are the ones the labels are referring to. She weighed the chicken after she cooked it!
  • Also, if you don't have one already, I highly recommend a food scale. I have found that many servings are measured by weight, and not measurable volume, or even if volume is included, it is estimated, but weight is way more reliable for most. Bed Bath & Beyond has a very nice "Biggest Loser" branded food scale for just $20…
  • I never understand the thought that so many people have that because something is man made, it has to be dangerous and likewise if it is natural, it is perfectly safe. Please show one study, on humans, that show any negative affects of Splenda. Why did someone post about a family member getting Pancreatic cancer somehow…
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