kspenglermoore Member


  • Okay, I have lost most of the weight (around 110lbs/50kg), but I'd still like to loose another 11lbs/5kg. I have pretty much maintained this weight now for 6 month.... But more motivation/inspiration is always good. I am living proof that after over 30 years of obesity it can be done. It is a worthy goal and not only on…
  • I am just the opposite: I am 50, 5'6"/168 cm and started at 287 lbs/130kg 16 month ago. I have now been about 170-175 lbs/77.5-79.5kg for 6 month. My doc says for my body type/ bone structure-frame/age I am good at that weight (I would like to get to 160lbs/72.5kg). I have to say the last time I was at this weight was when…
  • After loosing 105lbs I am still baffled by the following: - I had to replace all my clothes except the socks - I still automatically drift towards the plussize section of the store, where nothing will fit me anymore (my jeans went from a size 18 to a 10) - I was on the elliptical at the gym one day and that smaller room…
  • I am probably not the typical mom to respond here. I am turning 50 in June. My one and only son is turning 22 on April fool day. I did have a 10 1/2 lb (9.5 european pounds) baby that was 21.5" (55 cm) long and due to my narrow hips I ended up with a c-section where the had to recut to get my big bundle of joy out. I have…
  • I do not have the new fitbit with HR, but I seen few test reviews (the best one was one where the person was linked to an EKG machine at the same time) for wristbased HR monitors and they were almost all off, mostly underestimating. I ended up buying a polar HR monitor with a cheststrap. It also caculates my calories burnt…
  • I have had a fitbit flex for a year and have noticed that it does not calculate exercise like biking, swimming, rowing, the treadmill and the eliptical very well. Since then I have bought a polar heartrate monitor with chest strap that calculates my calories burnt during exercise. That is according to my fitness advisor at…
  • I have been on MFP for over year and I am close to my goal, but I have no intentions on quitting anytime soon. When I started my hubby was my support team ( he reached his goal last summer, but is still counting his calories and exercising when his health allowes it). I know, how important that support is. So I am always…
  • Not sure if I count???? No I am not in the military, but a military spouse and mom: the hubby has been in the US Army for over 20 years and our son has been a US Marine for almost 4 years. I am definitely I used to being around the military, I do understand deployments (from the families view - the separations, the tough…
  • Thanks, guys B) I did find that exercise was the key for me. I started out with slow walks (3mph) for an hour or so. I also started parking a little further away from the store and taking the stairs, if it was only one floor... a pedometer helped a lot too. I made me go for those extra few steps after dinner to get to…
  • I started back in February with 115 lbs to loose...lost the first 104lbs (to my own amazement after being obese/overweight since I was a teenager) but still have 11lbs to go.... motivation and support are key in this journey....I will gladly support anyone serious about weight loss.....
  • Thanks for the kudos.... I did post my story hoping to motivate others since I know how difficult it is... :smiley:
  • Just keep with it.... we all "fall" down. The trick is to get back up, dust yourself off and start back up.... If I can do it so can you. ;-)
  • Manic Monday was The Bangles and it came out in 1986 (when I was 21) and I remember dancing to it in the clubs….It seems like ages ago……but here is another Monday song “Monday, Monday” (this one is a little older ) …. You guys guess by whom…… First congrats again on the dress size!!!!! Keep in mind that by exercising we…
  • Marty, "moobs".... too funny.... Here is what my skinny hubby (at 44 he is 6' at 170 lbs after loosing 40 lbs he gained from inactivity after 2 surgeries - the first time in his life that he ever was heavy) says when he sees heavy guys/girls at the gym: "At least they are doing something about it"...... keep in mind we go…
  • Thanks for that comment!!!! Yes, we are a bunch of not so light yet people. Most of us have spend way too much time on the couch eating way too much (I have spend about 30 years like that). I for one had to remind myself that I am not a teenager anymore and it has been over 32 years since I regularly exercised. Please keep…
  • First of all i have never had that problem, but I think the answer is not as easy as a shampoo change, sorry :-(......I am thinking a nutritional reason or hormonal changes ....I would check with my doc!!!!!....Sorry I can not be more help.
  • the girl next door..... fun to be around
  • I know, both of you can do it!!!!!
  • Hope things went well and the doc's news were better than expected!!!!......my hubby (he is 44 and has been a soldier for 26 years: has been hard on his shoulders) through shoulder surgery to remove osteoarthritis. He was very limited in the use of his right arm before the surgery. The doc said if my husband was older he…
  • First off all my heart goes out to your hubby……(I am married d to a soldier and the mom of a Marine….) I hope, most of all that he gets better, but also that someone kicks the VA somewhat fierce!!!!! …..call your congressman/woman….especially since you are in Texas and this is one of the most pro-military/veterans…
  • I forgot, go out to eat at lunch for smaller portions at a better price (less chance on over eating) and no left overs, plus go exercise after it (walk around in the mall if necessary).....
  • I am with you...... most home cooked food tastes better and we have found it is fun to try new recipes.....un-sweet iced tea for me, if not water ( and I do like water with no flavor....lol) and yes, a salad with fried chicken on top is still fried chicken and those dressings can get you too......
  • Thank you, 3athlt, for the very clear explanation….. You are getting me thinking to include more strength training (I have not done any yet…)….. I have, however tried to get at least 10,000 steps in every day (that is about 5 miles and walking from the car to the store, going to the mailbox counts….lol). When I am at home…
  • "This public service announcement was brought to you by the Old Guys Who Still Dream Big Club"...too funny says the old lady that is also 49....lol Thank you for the tip.... and yes the right shoe is way important......
  • yeah for you........ keep up the great work.....:-)
  • I forgot, I had a doc in the ER tell me in April, that I was morbid obese....I was kind of offended since I had already lost about 20 lbs.... and the same doc also asked me : "How is your drinking???" (my record says that I am a causal drinker, something like maybe 1 glass of wine in a week....lol).... I made him aware…
  • congrats!!!!! one silly question, what makes one morbid obese vs just obese???? I know, that at my height I will cross over from obese to overweight at 185 lbs (that is another 24 lbs away)..... I know, it is probably related to the old BMI ???
  • pretty cool......I wish, they had different chest sizes........