sabawden Member


  • thanks for answering all these questions! very informative! my question is jhave you had any clients with thyroid problems, and if so, how was their routine different for losing weight? im asking b/c i've been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and im finding weight loss more difficult now despite eating relatively low…
  • LOL, well, thank you sis :) and i think mixing it up, like adding swimming again, is an excellent idea.
  • thanks. i dont log ALL my exercise activity ( i do walk every day and dont log all of it, per my nutritionist's advice). but maybe i should start doing that since walking is a big part of my daily routine. thanks for the input. i dont want to take the shortcut way of losing weight, b/c im in no major rush. the only thing…
  • dr has been checking for hypothyroidism but i regularly get conflicting results from my dr and endo (on 2 occassions they took the same blood test a couple days apart and the T4 (i think) was 6 for one blood test and 3 for the other- which is the diff between slightly above normal, and normal).... my…
  • thank you for your insight! i do often walk 45-60 min (try to do this several days a week) and do enjoy it but i wonder if i need to be pushing myself more. i can also ask mfp to set my weight loss to 2lbs/week and like you said, if im hungry, eat.
  • yes, that is the one thing i am certain on (i weigh everything and put in all my meals into mfp the day before). im wondering if either my calculated tdee/ bmr are just not "normal" and ive have been basing this off a calculation that isnt right for me. is that possible?
  • i wonder if my bmr calc is off then b/c that's what most people keep saying. and yes my measurements have gone up a bit, unfortunately. i mean, im staying positive...there is always time and despite my weight i am healthy, but its still frustrating. thanks for the replies!
  • thanks for everyone's input. Yes, i do weigh everything i eat and i wear a hrm when doing most exercises (dont wear it for walks around the neighborhood). feel free to take a peak at my diary. i avoid many processed foods, but do enjoy desserts and try to fit it into my daily net cals. (FYI, i was on a business trip last…
  • bumpity
    in HIIT?? Comment by sabawden March 2012
  • im curious b/c i've been thinking about doing this at my Y- how does your personal trainer work with groups? Does the trainer spend some time with everyone, or do you actually do sit ups, etc all at the same time?
  • great job on how much you've accomplished already on your swims! I generally swim a mile and used to just “swim” with no changing up my routine, and this got boring pretty fast. Recently I tried a couple things that i believe made my workouts more efficient and more interesting. First, i swim 2-3 days a week and each swim…
  • welcome and congrats on your weight loss! great tips- im learning those same things as well