blupanda12 Member


  • First, I apologize if I repeat stuff, as I didn't read the thread. I wanted to comment because I went through this cycle for quite a while until this year. I am by no means an expert, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone in this thinking, and you can get past it! For me, the change stuck this time because I…
  • My husband is similar, since we are not similar in size. I have found that small adjustments to many of our favorite recipes make a big difference in me being able to eat them. I use less oil, or change the ratio of veggies to meat to be more veggies in stir fry, or use less cheese but more variety on my pizza, or use less…
  • My husband was diagnosed with Celiac's disease, and yes, unfortunately you will have to be eating gluten in order for the test to be accurate. Note, I'm not a doctor - the following is based on my research into Celiac when my husband was diagnosed. Celiac is basically an autoimmune reaction to gluten - your body creates…
  • Welcome! I'm glad you have found success with your gluten-free lifestyle! My husband has Celiac too, but I do the majority of the meal cooking/planning. It has certainly been a change to our lifestyle! I'm always on the lookout for recipes that rope in veggies and protein, so feel free to pass along your favorites if you…
  • To my knowledge, Celiac's is not a histamine response at it's core, though it can produce reactions similar to allergies. Celiac is an autoimmune response that can damage the small intestine long-term. My husband has Celiac so we eat a gluten-free diet at home. To Spickard34: If you get a reaction when you eat gluten, it…
  • If you can listen to mp3s on your device, there's a site called Librivox that I use to get free audiobooks. It has lots of books that have been transferred to audio style by volunteers, all in the public domain in the US. There are many books in many different genres. Good luck!
  • Another diver here! Best days are scuba days :smiley:
  • I use the nuvaring and haven't had any issues losing weight. I agree the suggestion to find another doctor that will take your concerns seriously is a good one. Perhaps there is something wrong that is preventing you from losing weight, provided of course, that you are eating less than maintenance calories. If you aren't…
  • I pre-plan my snacks for work so I have something to eat when I get fidgety. I also drink a lot of tea to try to ensure I'm not feeding a thirst. I also listen to books on tape during the boring parts of my job to have something other than food to focus on. Librivox has a lot of audio books available that are in the public…
  • Being gluten-free is not a requirement for losing weight. Losing weight happens when calories consumed is less than calories expended for an extended period of time. Without knowing your stats, the most common reason people stop losing weight is that they are not accurately accounting for one or both sides of this…
  • I run for health - need to keep endurance up for scuba diving. I'm just finishing out Couch to 5k, and find I've really been enjoying it. It's something I can do anywhere, as long as I bring my running shoes and a good undergarment. I find I feel better throughout the day when I get my run in as well. Currently making…
  • You got some great advice, so I won't repeat it. To help you with perspective, I will say that it took me about 6 weeks to figure out how to log consistently and eat to calorie goal. I also did a ton of reading of very helpful posts (one of which was linked above) to figure out how to eat without feeling starved. Protein…
  • If you think it's an actual infection, I would encourage you to test to make sure it's actually bacterial. Antibotics will not help a viral infection. Hope you get better quickly!
  • My dad taught me how to walk in heels - all of us children, actually, including my brother. He was taught by his mom because "you'll need to teach your daughters someday". He also taught me how to check and refill most of the fluids in our cars - important skill since they were always leaking. My mom taught me how to…
  • With gluten-free becoming a "thing" nowadays, it's quite easy to find delicious gluten-free breads, wraps, and pastas. I cook gluten-free for my husband, and home-made pizza with GF Bob's Red Mill pizza dough is practically a weekly staple. It can be made low calorie through judicious use of sauce and cheese, and loading…
  • So many ideas!!! Need to try a few of these out.
  • My female cat had similar issues when she was younger; she was not using the litter box consistently (though would use it) and would choose blankets or mattresses over the box every time. We fixed it with lots of time and some outside help. 1) We took her to the vet, and found out she suffers from a disease (who's name I…
  • We've only been to Cozumel of those destinations, and not with Carnival. However, we really enjoyed the power snorkelling. I agree with the others, it really depends on what you are interested in. My mother-in-law loves the cultural-centered excursions (mostly walking tours), my husband and I look for stuff we can't do…
  • I had this problem initially, and discovered for me I was waiting too long between last meal and dinner, thus starving by the time I got home. Now I plan snacks explicitly to be eating within an hour of going home, and I try to always have some form of protein with it (e.g. string chees!), as it helps me feel fuller. On…
  • Read this link below. It was immensely helpful for me when I was getting started! Most people starting out (me included!) tend to make one or more of the following errors: 1) Set their weekly weight loss goal too high, which forces too low of a calorie goal for sustainable progress. 2) Fail to weigh their food with an…
  • String cheese! Plus whatever fruit I happened to pack as snacks. I also try to have some tea first, to make sure I'm actually hungry, and not just mistaking thirst or boredom for hunger.
  • Yep, my two cats share the bed until (A) my fatty male gets hungry and vocal or (B) the early morning game of tag starts. Then they get kicked out of the bedroom for the rest of the night. I love it because we sometimes don't get home until almost bedtime, so it gives us extra time to spend with them and they tend to be…
  • Drooool, cookie dough! Totally just gasped out loud at work...
  • Early on in my marriage, I told my husband that I found it very disrespectful to use names like that even in jest. It took a while, but eventually he came around to my point of view and has stopped using them. Perhaps that's a small area to start amidst all the great advice here. Open communication can do wonders if both…
  • I love cheese!!! :love: I routinely eat 3 string cheeses a day because they come prepackaged, don't need refridgeration, and are delicious!! They also help me meet my protein macro. I vote eat cheese, the stuff you enjoy, be it full-fat, light, no-fat, whatever, as long as you count the calories. As many others have said,…
    in CHEESE? Comment by blupanda12 July 2014
  • When I swam competitively in college, everyone grew their hair out during the season and shaved for the final matches. It was a mental boost more than anything, since none of us were professional-quality, but it worked :happy:
  • Check out the blog, Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef. She has tons of recipes that use combinations of those ingredients. In the tips thread below, there are other blogs and recipe books I haven't yet read that will also probably use those flours, as they are pretty common base flours in gluten-free baking.…
  • We love our veggies in stir frys and stews/soups. We also like them hidden in things. For example, I have a spaghetti sauce recipe from my mom that uses squash as the main base. It is great because you don't taste the squash and it can be canned, so we get to use peak-season veggies but still enjoy a great sauce. We really…
  • Tagging for reference and to explore those blogs further when not at work!
  • I just got over one of those nasty little bugs myself that stuck around for ~ 10 days. I subsisted on the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) diet paired with a ton of gatorade for those days that I really couldn't eat. As I started keeping stuff down, I added in mashed potatos (just water for creaminess, no milk or…