

  • Hey! Screw the judgmental ppl because they clearly have forgotten that we all started somewhere and have had hard times. If they didn't and were so perfect they shouldn't need to be on here anyhow right? I have PCOS and unless you have it ppl just don't understand the hell you go through with the weight struggle. Why don't…
  • Hey there, Yes, I am on Metformin as well, taking the 1500 mgs a day. If I eat correctly it does seem to help with the insulin resistance. I'm hoping the more weight I lose, that I wont need to use it anymore. I'm thinking even if it's just 10 minutes at first with weights, that's a good start. That's what I would like.…
  • Hey Kacey! My goal is about 50-60 lbs as well I'm at 200 right now. I don't have the exact ratio or percentages but I'm trying to stay closer to 120 carbs or less daily. Trying to really keep the sugar low as well is huge. If I want a treat, I try the sugar free treats. I notice when I can stick to that it really makes a…
  • Hi Christy. My name is Kristin. I'm 39 and also have PCOS. I can completely relate!!! I just joined myfitnesspal almost two weeks ago I've been so frustrated but I really need to finally make this happen. Maybe we can support each other trying to get where we want to be. Take care!
  • You realize on this post, people care because you were coming out of the gate as rude. You posted a question for public opinion and advice but from everything I've read you don't actually want any of that. You seem to know how you want to proceed all on your own. I just wish you the best of luck. Hope now that it's…
  • thank you so much :)