PCOS and losing weight

My name is Kris. I'm 39 years old. I am 5 ft 7 in. I have had PCOS for 10 years and had a hard time sticking with anything diet wise. I think if I exercise I can justify a cookie or piece of cake. Clearly not. I did HCG for a few tries and was successful at that but I want to learn a life style of good eating, not just a diet.
I know with PCOS I should eat like I'm a diabetic. I'm on Metformin as of a week ago. I hit 203.8 lbs and can't take it anymore, I have GOT to make this work. I have got to be stronger than this. I quit smoking 3 weeks ago after 20 years and if I can do that, I should be able to lose weight right?

So I just thought that reaching out to all of you in hopes for some good low carb healthy high protein foods would be a good idea and to be a part of a support group. Maybe some thoughts and suggestions and your own experiences. Nothing is more frustrating to me than having PCOS but I'm tired of it kicking my butt. I want to kick its butt :):)

Thanks to all who respond in advance :)
