Came for disappointed



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    if you're doing everything and not losing then two words come to mind: 'secret eater''? (we have a reality series on tv about this in the UK - its enlightening! people forget about what they have eaten etc) i'm sorry and i dont mean to hurt you but its cos there's too many calories being consumed, its all something we had to open our eyes to :( its why i joined mfp ☺ but so many of us have and been successful with counting our cals so there's no reason why you can't either ☺
    I wish you every success.
  • Hey! Screw the judgmental ppl because they clearly have forgotten that we all started somewhere and have had hard times. If they didn't and were so perfect they shouldn't need to be on here anyhow right? I have PCOS and unless you have it ppl just don't understand the hell you go through with the weight struggle.

    Why don't you join me and my friends on here and maybe we can even help! No judgements here...I ate horribly this weekend so I'd hope not. You're going to be ok!!
  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    Taking medications is a fools errand unless you are actually fixing underlying medical issues.....phentermine, etc is a quick fix at best that will NOT LAST and at worst will kill you. If you have an under active thyroid then it may make sense to medicate but even that should be done as a last resort IMO.
    I have been utterly amazed at what proper diet and daily INTENSE exercise will do....calories in/calories out is the bottom line no matter how much you dislike the answer, the key is finding the balance between diet and exercise that gives you the results you want.
    You can do no exercise and a starvation diet and lose weight but what kind of life is that? I have dropped cardio from my routine and started incorporating HEAVY weight lifting and cross-fit type training along with a great weight loss has slowly started up again WITHOUT cardio...... but more importantly I feel great! Keep trying and look for answers, this site is amazing if you listen to the positive and not the negative. Losing a lot of weight and turning your life around May make some people cocky but I think they mean well for the most part. GOOD LUCK!
  • robindean2
    robindean2 Posts: 6 Member
    I am sorry you had to experience that here. momof3inca, said it best, develop your network of supportive friends who will encourage you on YOUR journey. This is after all YOUR journey not THEIRS. Let the haters be haters and the naysayers can just stuff it. The best way to reply to a NEGATIVE post is this, I am sorry YOU feel that way. What ever happened to, if you cannot say anything nice or supportive then keep your mouth shut, are people missing. Yes people can be mean and cruel and associate yourself with those that are not. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will support anyone, who is trying to better themselves just as I am. HOW you do it is YOUR choice.
  • robindean2
    robindean2 Posts: 6 Member
    I am sorry you had to experience that here. momof3inca, said it best, develop your network of supportive friends who will encourage you on YOUR journey. This is after all YOUR journey not THEIRS. Let the haters be haters and the naysayers can just stuff it. The best way to reply to a NEGATIVE post is this, I am sorry YOU feel that way. What ever happened to, if you cannot say anything nice or supportive then keep your mouth shut, are people missing. Yes people can be mean and cruel and associate yourself with those that are not. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will support anyone, who is trying to better themselves just as I am. HOW you do it is YOUR choice.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    OP you say in your very first post on MFP that you had been reading the boards for quite awhile and you had seen that those who talked about using drugs for weight loss were not supported or copped a lot of flack, why did you think it would be any different for you?

    People generally find the best support when its like for like. MFP is a calorie counting site and a lot of the members are generally not supportive of anything that is different, but that's okay it is after all a calorie counting site. If a person is paleo they will find the best support for them on a paleo site, if a person is vegan they will find support on a vegan site, if a person is using optifast they would find the best support for them on an optifast forum. MFP also has groups and you will very likely find a group to support each of these, you will probably find a support group that supports the weight loss drug you are using.

    If you are not finding the support you want and need on the MFP boards there will be many places you will find it,
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I feel for you. I've been plateaued/ gaining for over two years while supposedly eating at a deficit. I have run every calculator on the web, and I have tried a deficit from 250-750 calories. I think this covers a reasonable margin of error. I have tried a "reset" and thus gained 15 lbs. NOTHING is working for me either. I bought a new food scale . I weigh, I measure, I even count my chips and nuts. I work out. Usually six days a week. 4 days of circuit training with a lot of strength and 2 days of cardio, usually running. I used a heart rate monitor. I now use a Bodymedia. I have figured net calories and eaten back exercise calories. I have used the %off TDEE method. I tried straight lifting for awhile. I am human, so I'm sure that my logging of both food and exercise is not 100% accurate, but I have tried various deficits! and I should at least be seeing a small loss! not as gain! Currently I am just including a margin of error in my deficit/goal.

    Nothing works. NOTHING. (And it used to work. Four years ago I lost nearly 45 lbs using MFP reccomendations. I am still maintaining a healthy weight, but I am unhappy with regaining 15 lbs and not being able to lose it.)

    So I certainly understand your frustration. And people on the boards are not kind about this. (Please don't tell me I eat too little--the calculators say I should maintain at 1490 cals for sedentary, so anyone with half a brain can do the math for creating a deficit. Small, low body weight people simply don't burn many calories, even when you add in more exercise ise cals--say 150-200 more a day.)

    I personally would not want to try a stimulant, especially since heart issues are all over my family tree, but I would think this has more to do with your doctors recommendations for YOU and no one else. My biggest question would be, and I think you pointed this out--will the metabolism boost from the meds remain when you stop the meds. Very valid question.

    I would echo the good advice of several--try to ignore the idiots on the boards who have not been taught basic social skills, sift comments carefully, and add friends carefully who will help you. Add me if you like. I don't have the answers but I am searching and I love hearing new ideas that are presented I a courteous manner.

    how did you lose 45 pounds if calorie deficit does not work for you???

    Read more carefully. I said that the MFP method (which is eating at deficit) is how I lost the 45 lbs. but suddenly, about a year into maintenance, the rules for my body evidently changed. I did not change anything, but started to gain while eating at maintenance. Then I tried going back to MFP method. No loss. Tried "eat more to weigh less" and other similar ideas, gained 15 lbs, and I'm still searching. (Btw I never stopped logging)

    Technically eating at a deficit will still work for me. The problem is no calculator or device seems to give me a reliable TDEE for MY BODY. And there is no reasonable explanation for why. So if I can find the deficit number. . .

    The problem seems to ultimately be that my deficit number will be smaller than anyone seems to think is healthy. For instance, I have been eating about 1400-1450 cals a day for about 8 weeks, while exercising about 35 minutes a day, vigorously ( run 10 min miles or do boot camp style circuit training mixed with strength training). So next I drop down to 1300-1350 a day while exercising. That'll get plenty of people on here worked up.

    The point I am trying to make is just that there are a small percentage of us whose bodies don't play by exactly the same rules. I know this because I know how it has been when the "rules" changed! Maybe it's menopause, maybe thermogenesis adaptation , who knows. But for some of us it is real. When you are struggling with this over the long haul it can make you overly sensitive to all the unkind feedback. You can get a bit defensive,as the OP may be. I am just posting to let her know I understand, and hopefully to help others see another point of view. I guess I've always advocated for the underdog. . .
    yes, I read the post..I just don't understand the contradictory language…if you lost 45 pounds that means calorie deficit does in fact work for you ..but then you turned it around to say that some of us are different and strict adherence to calories and a deficit may not work …so that just confused me..

    I would suggest following neander's advice as it is always solid.

    Copied and pasted from my post: .(And it used to work. Four years ago I lost nearly 45 lbs using MFP reccomendations.

    Yes MFP deficit worked for me. Past tense. No longer works.

    Not much changed for me as far as activity or lifestyle. Maybe and added stress. Certainly at some point I may have gotten sloppy in logging. No longer. I am as accurate as it is possible without some sort of lab. Another quote from above:

    I bought a new food scale . I weigh, I measure, I even count my chips and nuts. I work out. Usually six days a week. 4 days of circuit training with a lot of strength and 2 days of cardio, usually running. I used a heart rate monitor. I now use a Bodymedia. I have figured net calories and eaten back exercise calories. I have used the %off TDEE method. . .

    Obviously there is human error possible. I guess if I am trying for a 250 cal deficit, and then log 10 foods which are inaccurate by 20 cals, that could be removing my deficit. But then, I have gained while eating at a supposed 250+ cal deficit. Surely I am not so far off with logging. So I have to assume my TDEE is off of the number given from the calculators too. . . . Which is what I mean by my body not following the rules.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    This might have been said already in the last few pages but here goes.

    I can't say anything about the medication you're taking, I don't know your personal trainers or nutritionist.
    What I do know is that 99% of the time when someone says they've tried calorie counting and it didn't work, they've been doing it wrong one way or another. By either underestimating how much you've eaten (not measuring it for example, or just not logging some things you've eaten be it on purpose or by forgetting) or overestimating the amount of calories you burn (from exercise or your BMR). In an overwhelming amount of people with your problem, that's the reason.

    Why is that? Well, physics mostly. If your calculations are all correct and you consume less calories than you expend, you're going to lose weight because the rest of the needed energy has to come from somewhere, which is your fat storages mostly. And if something has 100 calories you can't get more than those 100 calories out of it. Maybe less if your body has a problem digesting it, but that would aid weight loss, not stop it.

    So there you have it. If whatever medication you're taking helps you, good for you. But you could have done it without too.
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I tend to not come to forums myself. It is daunting, and generally my posts get ignored, which makes it even worse. I agree with adding friends and groups that are more within your interests and support needs.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...I am starting to think you are a troll. I am sorry people did not agree for you to take drugs to lose weight, but people patting you on the back and saying "good job" regardlessly, is not helpful.

    I heard cocaine helps a person lose weight as well.
  • VeronicaTammy
    VeronicaTammy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am sorry that that you are not getting the results you need. Keep trying you will get there. Somehow you will break through your plateau. I am sure of it, Losing weight is difficult in the best of circumstances. If you need encouragement let me know. Keep thinking I can do it, I can do it!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: :bigsmile:
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    if you're doing everything and not losing then two words come to mind: 'secret eater''? (we have a reality series on tv about this in the UK - its enlightening! people forget about what they have eaten etc) i'm sorry and i dont mean to hurt you but its cos there's too many calories being consumed, its all something we had to open our eyes to :( its why i joined mfp ☺ but so many of us have and been successful with counting our cals so there's no reason why you can't either ☺
    I wish you every success.

    I agree with Ruth. It's the most likely explanation for your lack of weight loss.
    Weight loss = eating at a calorie deficit
    Weight gain = eating at a calorie surplus
    No change = eating at maintenance

    If your not losing weight your doing either the last or the 2nd thing on that list. It probably hurts to hear it but you need to be honest with yourself. If you've been logging for 18 months and eating at a deficit then even a 100 calorie deficit would cause weight loss.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    if you're doing everything and not losing then two words come to mind: 'secret eater''? (we have a reality series on tv about this in the UK - its enlightening! people forget about what they have eaten etc) i'm sorry and i dont mean to hurt you but its cos there's too many calories being consumed, its all something we had to open our eyes to :( its why i joined mfp ☺ but so many of us have and been successful with counting our cals so there's no reason why you can't either ☺
    I wish you every success.

    I agree with Ruth. It's the most likely explanation for your lack of weight loss.
    Weight loss = eating at a calorie deficit
    Weight gain = eating at a calorie surplus
    No change = eating at maintenance

    If your not losing weight your doing either the last or the 2nd thing on that list. It probably hurts to hear it but you need to be honest with yourself. If you've been logging for 18 months and eating at a deficit then even a 100 calorie deficit would cause weight loss.

    You are right. A plateau means eating at maintenance. But here is the tricky part: is it maintenance because you are under-logging your intake, or is it maintenance because your calculator (or MFP, or whatever) is giving you a number for TDEE that is too high?

    So many people assume the logger is wrong, but the TDEE estimation could be what is wrong.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Why do you care what people, especially on the 'net, think of you? Who cares? Take what is helpful and ignore the handful of people who use the boards to express their "issues".

    There are a lot of very supportive people on here. There are many different weight loss approaches and you have to do what works for you. But you will never convince 100% of MFP folks to agree with you. Some people believe in fast weight loss and don't want to hear that they will likely gain it back. Some people are anorexic and can't take rational advice, some people lift weights and don't "diet"and are successful, some people eat very low calories and think that is the only thing that works, some eat more flexibly and lose, some want to lose for an event, others want to learn new behaviors that will be sustainable over a lifetime. Some think bread is toxic, some think meat is toxic. To each their own.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @ tiger blue you've got a good point and it does take us all a while finding out what our Tdee is, I'm lucky I have a Fitbit and it seems fairly accurate so that has helped me big time ☺

    its about finding our individual number to eat at, it took me a while to figure that out lol but currently I'm doing ok on between 1600-1800 cals (my TDEE Is average of 2000).

    As for exercise cals if going by mfp it seems good at overestimating them so aim only to eat back half.

    We need to try and aim for up to 20% deficit of our TDEE ☺ (less if we've less to lose)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I don't know who you are, but I feel the same as you do. I have been working hard for the past 3 months, doing things "right" and am so frustrated with lack of progress.

    Our bodies get very, very well adapted to holding on to extra pounds. I cannot lose weight. I can get fit. I can cut calories! But my body will not lose weight.

    Very frustrated, here. Kind of angry that other folks do not seem to be honest that my same situation applies to many very hard working ladies who are doing things RIGHT, yet see no results from their honest efforts.

    The body usually plateau after getting used to the same exercise. Have you switched up on your exercise like add more time to cardio and more weights to strength training?
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    There are bullies and then there are those who genuinely want to help. I've received helpful advice in the forums and I've also received accusations of various things. I suspect it will be this way EVERY time I ask a question in the forums. So now... if I'm in an emotional state of mind that I can't handle the bullies, then I ask the question in my newsfeed. Lessons learned.
  • aa1526
    aa1526 Posts: 2
    Hi Coop,
    I have just joined this forum in the last few days. I also have been put on medication by my Doctor as I could not shift my weight no matter what I did. I have tried different diets and none would work for me either. Remember Doctors are not going to hand out medication for no good reason. This medication is a helping hand ALONG with a diet, so you are not being lazy as you still have to diet as much as the next person. In fact I would say it is not an easy option using meds as anyone who has been on these meds know WHAT HAPPENS if you don't keep to the low fat diet. The side effects are very unpleasant, even a small slip up has bad consequences. There is no shame in asking for help when it is needed. Do not let other people put you off by negative comments. As you said, this forum is for support.

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I don't know who you are, but I feel the same as you do. I have been working hard for the past 3 months, doing things "right" and am so frustrated with lack of progress.

    Our bodies get very, very well adapted to holding on to extra pounds. I cannot lose weight. I can get fit. I can cut calories! But my body will not lose weight.

    Very frustrated, here. Kind of angry that other folks do not seem to be honest that my same situation applies to many very hard working ladies who are doing things RIGHT, yet see no results from their honest efforts.

    The body usually plateau after getting used to the same exercise. Have you switched up on your exercise like add more time to cardio and more weights to strength training?
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    CoopMay, I hear you.I feel that it is our job to be supportive of one another. Not to judge. Feel free to friend me. I promise to be supportive. That's why I am here. I am disappointed too. I met a lot of people here who were great. Then I found that I should have never posted a thread that was controversial on these boards. I am getting slammed on it, people telling me I should not do it the way I am doing it, that my way is wrong. It stings, and it is my own fault for posting it. But it really hurts.

    You may get even more people on this thread telling you what you should do and how you should do it, instead of being supportive.

    Just know that there are people here that want to support you, and not judge you.