GunnDancer Member


  • Found an entire box of clothes almost ten years old... And I fit into every.single.item. It was cool.
  • I think it also depends on who is saying it. I was heading out to run during my lunch at work and a female coworker saw me in my gym clothes and couldn't stop gushing about how great I was doing losing weight... And finished with "don't lose too much more! Men look better with a little weight on them!" So consider the…
  • Don't quit. If you want to make the change you will. I know everyone will say remove temptation from the house, weigh everything, log everything, etc. And they are right, but it can be burdensome. Start small and build. Next time you think you are hungry, wait fifteen minutes. If you are still hungry, have a serving of…
  • I have honestly found I am less tempted if I eat a multiple small meals throughout the whole day instead of "breakfast/lunch/dinner" and I stick to protein or fiber heavy "treats" that keep me full.
  • Room for one more? I am 230ish now but my goal is 185!
  • Thanks everyone. I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I went from 322 (I started losing weight before using mfp) to 230, but I am tired of being stuck. I do feel better today, though!
    in Sigh Comment by GunnDancer April 2015
  • My last race was the Tough Mudder. Someone else ran it too, and they're right it isn't really competitive the same way a marathon is. However, I am planning on running it again and I want to do better than I did last year. Last year I managed to do all but two obstacles. This year I'm training like a mad man until race day.