Competing - What was your last event?

Hi everyone,

I see some of you have competition pictures as your profile picture. Just wondering, how many of you are competing in road races, swim events or bicycle events on a regular base?

Do you see improvement since you are on MFP? What are you competing in? What was your last event?

I just finished a 1/2 marathon in 2:07:09 in Chania, Greece. It was a good and fast race since it had a lot of down hill, but also some long up-hills. It is not my fastest time and not my slowest.

Tell me about your last event and encourage people to sign up for a 5k or 10k in their region.



  • mjculbertson4512
    mjculbertson4512 Posts: 157 Member
    Two miles last Saturday. Windy, so a bit cold. Walked the two in 32:17. We were at Lake Manawa State Park, Iowa. I had a Bald Eagle following me!

    This time is down from last fall, I was 42:43 at the Omaha Corporate Cup, September 2012.

    I have four 5K planned for next month. Walking them. One will be hilly, so I am doing some hill work to get ready.

    Good Luck everybody! One foot in front of the other. Or Pick em up and Put em down!
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I love doing 5k's although, by nature, I am not at all a competitive person. I love the camaraderie of doing the races and they do push me a to work a little harder than a I do in workouts. I do a 10k every year – it is actually next Saturday – and I am super excited about that.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Last race I ran was a Tough Mudder, but those aren't really for time. The last super-competitive thing I ran was the Chicago Marathon, in 3:23 and change. It was great weather for once, and I was happy with the time, but I'm going to start training for a 3:15. Next up I have a trail 10k that I'm hoping to do in under an hour. Its 3 miles up - 1,800ft, then back down. My legs will be trashed but I think finishing in under an hour will get me to the podium in my age group.
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    I raced yesterday at a local interclub BMX racing meet .... I'm still coming last, the the gap between me and the 2nd to last person is closing!!

    I figure the only way I'm going to improve is to keep trying, and racing against folks that are faster than me LOL
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I'm a slow runner, so I scratch my competitive itch by trying to beat my previous times in the same races. Yesterday I did a 5-mile trail race, and finished over 5 minutes faster than last year.

    One of the reasons I decided to lose more weight this year was to improve my running. Down 8 pounds or so thus far--can't say if that's why I did better yesterday, but it sure didn't hurt!
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    My last race was a 5k in Crete, Greece. Made second place for all female. It was on 23 January 2014.
  • GunnDancer
    GunnDancer Posts: 8 Member
    My last race was the Tough Mudder. Someone else ran it too, and they're right it isn't really competitive the same way a marathon is. However, I am planning on running it again and I want to do better than I did last year. Last year I managed to do all but two obstacles. This year I'm training like a mad man until race day.