

  • What a great success! You must be very proud.....way to go! You look really amazing.
  • Thanks, I'm really excited. I've always wanted to visit and now have my 'dream trip' one week away. I'm ready for some warm weather :happy:
  • These are all great suggestions. Thanks everyone and I'll heed the advice of keeping away from dairy, meats, peeled fruit and veg etc. I'm really looking forward to it!!
  • I'd go back to your doctor. If it isn't your bc (as suggested above with the hormones) you may want to discuss having an ultrasound scan. It could be something a bit more serious like a fibroid or cyst. Not to say by any means that this is what it is - I'm not a doctor/nurse but, these are similar symptoms. Always worth…
  • I went to the movies last night and actually did well just getting a small popcorn and diet drink. It was 319 calories but I saved them through the day so I could enjoy it. I was as satisfied with a small bag and felt like I'd had a treat from having a good week. I sometimes take in the Mini Rice Cakes in Caramel or…
  • Krispy Kream !!!!
  • This is a great blog...I've shared it with several friends. I think there are some great tips! Well worth the read. Good luck!
  • It's about increasing your heart rate for a certain amount to time to burn off excess energy. Obviously, the less you put in, and the more you burn, the more the weight will come off. I just keep a healthy intake of carbs, fats, salt etc along with high increased heart rate 5 times a week. This seems to keep me on the…
  • Yes, heart rate monitor is the way to go. I wear one every time I walk, play tennis, workout in gym, run etc. It's the only way to truly count calories as it assesses your cal burn against your heart rate - this is calculated by your individual weight. I highly recommend one!
  • DITTO! A toned, but not overly built with a healthy BMI is just fine. But, really, do what is best for you. Your personality, style, and self confidence will shine through. Women go for that most of all ;)
  • Being in the UK, I sooo miss IHOP. ENJOY! If you can, save up cals over the day and/or do extra exercise to maybe have a treat! Enjoy for us expats missing out ;o)...
  • I just joined too...what is the food log idea? How do you see other's food logs?
  • I've found that the best way is to just keep a colourful water bottle with you at all times. It just gets to be a habit of having it with you. You can buy a really pretty one that will help you feel good about it ;o).