michaelduke31 Member


  • it all depends on what you are going for with your diet. if you are trying to build some muscle, i would strive for 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. if you are simply trying to maintain and keep those muscles strong, you can probably stick with 1 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. (those are…
  • i always use what the machine says, not what this website calculates for you.. or you could always try researching a little online to get a more accurate number burned. just a few ideas... but i wouldnt change your "minutes" just to get the cals to equal out. dont sell yourself short on the workout. you did 20, put 20!
  • try some nuts, like almonds. maybe cook your vegetables in some olive oil.. best way would be to up the carbs a little bit and up the fat content a little bit... but of course GOOD fat and GOOD carbs
  • if i need a little bit of a snack, i love the individual Jell-O snacks. pretty good for a sugar free snack
  • very very tough to get back into it after a little bit of time off... totally feel you there! but that time off was probably good for your body since youve been killing it for so long.. look at it that way. your body is now recovered and healed up ready to kick some *kitten* again!!! everyone has a different motivation...…
  • honestly, if you are really serious about it... i would try and stick to the grilled chicken sandwiches that are on the menu.. i mean, if you are going to get a whopper, just go ahead and load it up and eat everything. a little mayo isnt going to make or break you on that. or, you could always try to just limit yourself.…
  • hey guys... depending on what your goal is, i always tell people, "diet is 85-90% of everything you do.... there is absolutely NO workout that can make up for a bad diet." so i would focus on making sure you have your diet solid and just right for you.. then worry about everything else.. if you have your diet right on…
  • from everything ive ever heard, NO damage at all! i drink a ton of water a day. probably 12, 20oz containers worth. haha. so i wouldnt worry too much. any water your body doesnt need, it will flush out! =)
  • best of luck!!! it's extremely extremely hard man.. i hear ya. maybe start with your goal as a short term.. try to get to just 1 week without binging.. then 2 weeks.. i've found that once i hit that 2 week mark, it gets a lot easier.. because you dont want all that hard work you've done to go down the drain. just get your…
  • well, if you have to pick one or the other.... ABSOLUTELY AFTER!!! you body and your muscles need those nutriets and all the good stuff from the food to recover and to help build that body back up. have to feed the body after a great workout! BUT.. before a good workout, it's always a good thing to eat abotu an hour…
  • first off, how many times a day do you eat?? and how often? i'm sure you heard this a million times, but it's really true: eat every 2.5 - 3 hours... you need that metabolism to speed up and reach it's full potential. i would strength train more than once a week.. try to go 2-3 times per week. people underestimate how much…
  • what is your protein intake per day?? just some ideas: keep the carbs moderate (125 at most), try to get up around that 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.. so for you it should be anywhere from about 205 - 270, and maybe try some "heavy" lifting in the gym.. doing some heavier weight with some lower reps…
  • Here is a great link for an article on this if you are interested. Should give you a better idea. http://www.tomvenuto.com/asktom/protein_grams_per_meal.shtml
  • Sorry Krystal!!! haha. I know you asked me about the creatine a few days ago and I completely forgot to answer you. I suck! lol. I am not trying to bulk up right now and I really don't want my muscles retaining all of that water with the creatine. Much like you, I don't want that bloated feeling I get with the creatine.