jessie62993 Member


  • Thank you! Everything you said really made me feel better and I had an awesome birthday. Thanks for the kind words (:
  • Thank you! Everything you said really made me feel better and I had an awesome birthday. Thanks for the kind words (:
  • No my friends do not ignore me haha just people we meet when we go out do. Your advice is perfect, though, so thank you. I think I just need to not worry so much about how I am looking and just have fun.
  • It's not just for girls - your feedback was helpful! I do feel pretty sedentary, though. I am college student and if I not purposefully going out to exercise the only time i am active is walking to the bus stop and then to class and back. It doesn't seem like that much to me. I do think I need to make some…
  • I like that. It sounds manageable.
  • What is your WHY factor? I must not have found a strong enough factor for myself yet.
  • Okay so I have been using 1200 as my daily caloric intake for some time now. I have seen results with it, but it is very difficult to stick to! So today I exercised and burned 250 calories and I ate back all of those calories which left with 7 calories left for the entire day. So overall I ate around 1400 calories. But my…
  • This Easter weekend was horrible for me food wise! I was happy for the fresh start today!
  • Will walking just not cut it? I am not very good at running-- I know that sounds weird, but I have a hard time with the form and intensity of it.
  • We have similar fitness goals! Don't get too down on yourself about not losing weight, because the numbers on the scale do not tell the whole story. Have you considered using measurements as a better tracker of progress? It is awesome that you have a trainer and I think that is a great motivator. Maybe try thinking about…
  • The thing you said about vanity really resonates with me. I have a list of all the reasons I want to lose weight/get healthy and a good amount of them are vanity based. I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing, but focusing on smaller everyday goals may be more beneficial for me. Thanks for the input! Created by…
  • Hello (: I am 20 years old. My 21st birthday is at the end of June and I am hoping to have lost close to 20 lbs by then! My overall goal is to weigh 130 lbs and I hope to reach that goal sometimes around Halloween. (Cute Halloween costumes anyone??) What are some of your goals?
  • Thank you everyone! I have a problem of not wanting to keep tracking my calories on days that I start getting close to going over, but am still hungry. I think I definitely need to change the way I think about food...I have too much of an emotional connection with it. I will try these suggestions that you all have posted…