

  • I'm sorry, that sounds tough! I have a hard time getting motivated myself. I just started running again using he nike app, and I'll listen to podcasts or music, haha hat way I don't have to think about the actual running! You wouldn't be able to get a personal trainer would you? I know they can be kind of expensive :/ or…
  • My little brother loves all the Pixar movies, especially toy story! Haha but obviously not into the princess ones like me :) I still have to watch lady and the tramp with him. He'd probably like that one!
  • Let me know if you're similar to my weight and height, I'm looking for support as well as supporting someone else who has similar goals! Age:19 Height: 5'2.25" HW: 130 lbs CW: 129 lbs GW: 105 lbs Haha I'm good at hiding the weight I've gained, but with summer and my sister's wedding coming around the corner, I really want…
  • Hey! I'm Mishka, and I've been vegan for about a year now for ethical and environmental reasons. I ran cross country in high school, but really haven't gotten back into the habit of running regularly. I just downloaded a nike running app, and am now training fir a 5k. I used to think of running as a way to burn calories,…
  • I ran cross country in high school, but after that I've kind of hated running, but the idea of doing a disney run sounds really fun! Also, my friend wants me to go running with her in the mornings, haha so I guess I'm starting up running again! :)
  • I make my own low cal hot chocolate with almond milk, stevia and unsweetened cocoa powder :]
  • I just bought my brother a Micky mouse plate and utensil set from the disney store, and he loves it! Haha that's such a great idea! Haha I wish I had gotten a set for myself.
  • So true! This is why I love wearing lipstick. I don't know why, but it always makes be feel a little more confident :-)
  • What a great idea! Peanut butter is definitely my downfall. I have a bad habit of spooning out more than the measured amount and eating it straight out of the spoon. Haha I know it's a really bad habit :/ this week I'll be more aware when I'm doing it. I could replace this habit with chewing sugar free gum right after…
  • I generally eat healthy, so I'm working on portion control, drinking 8oz water a day and improving my fitness level. I want to lose about 30lbs, but I'm in no rush. The last time I lost weight fast going low carb and very low calorie, I wasn't able to maintain, and I ended up gaining it all back and then some.:/ I'm also…
  • Pirates of the carraben, it's a small world, and Indiana jones. Haha those are the ones I can remember. The last time I went to Disneyland was when I was 12. Tower of terror was also fun. Also loved the restaurant buffet with all the Disney characters. Haha not neccesArily the food, but I loved getting my autograph book…