

  • I like to listen to a lot of metal but my MP3 player is on shuffle so anything can pop up. When I am on the treadmill I need something with a lot of bass and drum to keep me going.
  • Hello Miss Dannii I will be glad to send you a friend request :)
  • I am always looking for new and motivational friends. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. Always looking for friends and motivational help when I need it :)
  • You can add me. I am on day 15 of logging in and I am looking for more motivational friends
  • I don't do a cheat day but a cheat meal. I usually do it on Saturday nights but I still log it.
  • I will send a request. I only have a few friends on here and I am looking for more with positive motivation.
  • Don't get discouraged. I know how you feel about not losing the weight but doing everything right to try to lose it. I now have a fear of the scale myself. I am always afraid to step on it. I take it out but I always end up just putting it away. It might also just be that you are at a plateau at the moment. I know I have…
  • Do you think getting a digital scale would be better? My grandmother has a dial scale and I know I have a problem reading those sometimes. I get the scale out and and I look at it but I never get on it. I always end up just putting it away. I would love to get on the scale but I think I might wait until next week and…
  • Best of luck to Liza. Please feel free to add me if you'd like. I cannot tell you how many times I have started and stopped. Mostly because life and work got in the way but I am determined to make this "Day 1" be my last "Day 1"!
  • Hello all. My name is Katie and I am looking for friends to keep me motivated. Back in high school I was 130 and in those 4 years and the two years I was in college I never gained a pound. Then after I graduated in 2006 to now I gained 40 pounds. I broke my knee back in high school and now that I am putting extra weight on…
  • Hello everyone. My name is Katie and I am 27 and currently 33 pounds overweight. With my jobs being so stressful I know what it feels like to want to either grab a bag of chips or a half gallon of ice cream out of the freezer after work. I was trying to do this a month ago from my phone but nothing was syncing correctly so…