Getting on the Scale

I have been going to the gym for over a year and while there I have a personal trainer because of my knee being so bad. I just started using MFP and I think logging my food is kind of helping me. But I have yet to get on the scale. I have a huge fear of it. I am just afraid that it isn't going to change or if it does change it is for the worse.

Is there a way to slowly work my may onto the scale or should I just get on it to get over my fear?


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I didn't get on a scale for 12 years, and before that I always avoided them. I never owned a scale until this past Christmas. Now I weigh myself every day. I plan to do this for the rest of my life.

    What I have discovered since I began using MFP properly by weighing all solids, measuring all liquids and logging as accurately as possible, is that is exciting to step on the scale because I am losing weight. Its very important to me to continue to lose and I am working hard at meeting my daily calorie goal. I now know that if I do, I Iose weight. I of course don't see a weight loss every day, but I find it interesting to watch the fluctuations. Honestly it rarely goes up... but it may stay at the exact same weight for a few days. It was an eye opener for me to see even the exact tenth of a pound appear on the scale several days in a row (209.4 for example).

    I'm so happy I am no longer afraid of a scale. I bought a nice digital, btw. Much better than the old dial scale, IMO.
  • ladyraven2186
    Do you think getting a digital scale would be better? My grandmother has a dial scale and I know I have a problem reading those sometimes.

    I get the scale out and and I look at it but I never get on it. I always end up just putting it away. I would love to get on the scale but I think I might wait until next week and hopefully start weighing myself every other Friday as a start.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I didn't have a scale, so can't honestly compare and the only scales available in the stores in the small town where I shop are digital. But it is nice to see even a portion of a pound loss - and a digital scale can show you that. They are not expensive.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yes, get a digital scale. The dial scales fluctuate too much to be encouraging. I avoided the scales for 15 years because of the same fears as your fears. When I decided to be serious about losing weight, I bought a new digital scale and hopped on that sucker at least five times a day. I was determined to be accountable for my weight and to never be in denial again. I now know more about my weight gains and losses than I thought possible, LOL! Now I am weighing myself once a day, sometimes skipping a day.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    scale and fitness aren't going together.

    Measuring tape and mirror does!

    Scale doesn't take in consideration your body fluid (water),poop (yes,yes),bone structures and mostly MUSCLES GAIN! versus fat.

    By measuring'll know that if you've lost 4 inches of did it! but...on the scale it could even say that you've gained some pound..but it's muscles! etc.... so that's why i say that scales aren't super effective! UNLESS it's done by a professional with other tools etc..that's different.

    Anyway, it's my opinion.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Definitely get a digital scale, but I don't think i'd recommend weighing five times a day (sorry acogg...). Some people weigh every day, some weigh once a week, some weigh once a month. It all depends on your tolerance for fluctuations as there are tradeoffs for each method. In general though I would advise you weigh sooner rather than later so you have a realistic idea of where you're at. If you think you're less than you really are then when you finally do get on the scale you'll be disappointed.
  • aprilw2222
    aprilw2222 Posts: 23 Member
    I say take the plunge jump on that scale. You might not like what you see, but then again you might be pleasantly surprised too. How will you ever know how well you are doing if you don't weigh in. Do it once a week and you won't feel like your are failing if you gain a half a pound one day. Good luck on your continuing journey!!
  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    You are not alone I haven't stepped on the scale all month because I am so scared to see that I haven't lost, even tho it looks like I did when I look in the mirror.. I just don't want to be disappointed I feel you sister totally !
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I vote get a digital scale. Even if you choose to weigh only once a month, you can at least see where you are and as you work, how far you've come, weight wise. I use a lot of methods of record though, not just the scale. I measure, take pictures, focus on the fit of my clothes. They all play a factor.
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    I suggest a digital scale too. I had an old dial one but it wasn't accurate. I discovered it was out by 6 pounds so I had to set a new starting weight!! Bite the bullet and step on the scale so you know where you are at. It will help you set a more realistic goal. I only weigh in once a week...too many day to day fluctuations otherwise. But everyone is different. I have friends that weigh in daily, and one that has never weighed in. By the way, the numbers don't appear on the scale til you step on it. Good luck.