

  • well fine if you dont believe me, but what happened to me was that i managed to eat so little for a while that i lost weight within seven months and dropped down to 85 pounds. actually, i just noticed i made an error in saying that i gained 60 pounds in 3/4 of a year, it actually happened in a bit more than a full year,…
  • @gypsyrunner thanks, i will check out the links, and i have always thought it was an addiction, so i will stop using that term. some of the professionals i mentioned were mental health professionals. @ pinkyfett i had a blood test done on thyroid, they didnt find anything. @calliope610 & msskarlet well for my age i pretty…
  • then how do anorexics manage to lose so much weight when forbidding themselves from almost everything?
  • when i am trying to diet, i usually aim for 1000-1500. most times i squarely aim for 1200. when i binge, i dont count my calories often, but several times i did and they came to 4,000+ calories. i am 18 years old, 165 centimeters tall, 165 pounds, and female.
  • i do not take any medications. i do not use this websites diary often, but i usually write down what i eat by hand. this entire week i have been binging. yesterday i binged on peanuts, noodles, fish, strawberries, and ice cream. this morning i was very very full so i skipped breakfast, only had water and stuff, and then…
  • oh yes, and also, i always eat a good amount of protein at every meal, weight out my food, and i have also tried both low-carb (which never ever ends up well) and including forbidden carbs in small amounts (which doesnt work either.)
  • Oh yeah I always fry my vegetables in olive oil so there is nO ****ing way I'm not getting enough fat :( Like i said in my previous posts, i generally try to stay off of sugar and grains, but during the nighttime i have an insatiable craving for sugary/junk stuff
  • I have already began to see a specialist several times, i was advised not to eat sugar or white flour but i fell off the bandwagon and relapsed, i tried to imagine myself not eating but the empty feeling in my stomach is way too powerful, seriously nothing works :(
  • It can't be strict dieting that is ruining me because when i try to eat healthily i make sure that i dont get too hungry. And yes I have tried viewing this as a habit to break and i tried very hard but i just can't do it, the cravings to binge are just haywire :(
  • Oh yes, also a note i would like to make, i do not eat for emotional reasons. It does not matter whether I am feeling happy sad or stressed! Binging happens to me no matter how i feel! The odd thing is, i used to be 85 pounds, and i got full very quickly on a small amount of ;food---even junk food!--- and i was able to be…
  • What if there a billion things i want to eat???
  • I dont know if you have them in your area, they can only be found at asian grocery stores and they are not shirataki noodles--- they're something like "soybean threads" or soybean strips." They taste delicious and they're low carb, i think? Well, i do know that it at least has a lot of protein because it's an asian soybean…
  • Oh my goodness yes, this is what I fear :( I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this
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