Okay... seriously... HELP!!!

um so i am having this huuuuuuugeee problem for the past year.
i cannot stop eating and i feel starving, ALL THE TIME. yes, ALL THE TIME.
i gained 80 pounds in 3/4 of a year.
i want to get a slim and healthy figure very badly, but i cannot stop eating, and i literally feel starving all the time.
i went to the doctors to get an examination and they said nothing was wrong with me.
i have already visited four professionals who deal with eating/nutrition for the past year. i have told them everything and asked them everything,
i have tried to keep junk food out of the house but i will still overeat the healthy food until i cannot handle any more because i feel THAT starving.
when i am dieting, i mostly eat vegetables, tofu, fish, and fruit. but they cannot keep me full. when i am binge eating, i eat a ton of sweets, fried stuff, nuts, bread, and basically anthing that is on my forbidden list.
i do not drink any sugary beverages-- i only drink water and plain tea. and i drink a lot of it. like 10-15 tall glasses a day.
i have tried to eat meals and snacks but it doesnt seem to work.
i steal food from my family members in the middle of the night because i feel so so intense cravings at that time, even if i ate a lot earlier.

What the **** is wrong with me? why am i starving all the time? can anyone give me some tips? i dont know what to do anymore.
this is honestly very confusing, because the doctor told me my thyroid and blod sugar and everything was normal.


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Are you taking any medications? Can you open your diary?
  • oh yes, and also, i always eat a good amount of protein at every meal, weight out my food, and i have also tried both low-carb (which never ever ends up well) and including forbidden carbs in small amounts (which doesnt work either.)
  • Are you taking any medications? Can you open your diary?

    i do not take any medications.
    i do not use this websites diary often, but i usually write down what i eat by hand.
    this entire week i have been binging. yesterday i binged on peanuts, noodles, fish, strawberries, and ice cream. this morning i was very very full so i skipped breakfast, only had water and stuff, and then around noon i still wasnt very hungry, so i had a bit of stir fried spinach (around 3/4 cup?). i felt tired suddenly so i had green tea, then i had some more spinach and fish as a snack, and then at around six a clock, i started to feel very hungry, and i binged on peanuts and cauliflouwer and carrots,
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    When you are trying to diet, how many calories are aiming for per day as a goal? When you binge, how many calories are you eating (if you don't know for sure, rough estimate)? What's your age, height, weight and gender?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Stop having "forbidden" foods. That can be very triggering for binges. Eat anything you want in moderation and at a deficit, and you will lose weight without feeling so hungry.
  • When you are trying to diet, how many calories are aiming for per day as a goal? When you binge, how many calories are you eating (if you don't know for sure, rough estimate)? What's your age, height, weight and gender?

    when i am trying to diet, i usually aim for 1000-1500. most times i squarely aim for 1200. when i binge, i dont count my calories often, but several times i did and they came to 4,000+ calories. i am 18 years old, 165 centimeters tall, 165 pounds, and female.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Well I will say I was in the same boat as you before. However, it was all mental. I was not starving I was not hungry. I WANTED IT and I ate it. My brain told my body I was hungry but really I wasn't. It's called binge eating and a lot of people suffer from it. When you say you crave fat, sweet, greasy foods etc that lead me to believe it is your brain and not your stomach. Our stomachs are pretty happy after a decent amount of food. However, our minds are not and we keep going. It took me a long long time to overcome my battle with food and while I still have days I am way more in control and can say no. If I am having a hard time I go for a walk or get myself out of the presence of food so I stop thinking about it. Also if you need help at first I rarely ever suggest this but sometimes I feel it can be beneficial, talk to your doctor about a Appetite Suppresant. I would not continually take one but if you need help getting your binge eating in control that may help get you on the right path if you feel you cannot do it on your own.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    You may need to see a psychiatrist.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Edited because you are 18 (profile says 35). Please talk to a doctor or your parents about your health.
  • Stop having "forbidden" foods. That can be very triggering for binges. Eat anything you want in moderation and at a deficit, and you will lose weight without feeling so hungry.

    then how do anorexics manage to lose so much weight when forbidding themselves from almost everything?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Stop having "forbidden" foods. That can be very triggering for binges. Eat anything you want in moderation and at a deficit, and you will lose weight without feeling so hungry.

    then how do anorexics manage to lose so much weight when forbidding themselves from almost everything?

    This question is not helpful to you. Concentrate on healthy ways to lose and on things that will help you reach your goals.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Did they take blood at the docs to see if you have a thyroid disorder? I put on almost 100 lb over a couple years and turned out I had Hashimoto's for some time and was being untreated.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    When you are trying to diet, how many calories are aiming for per day as a goal? When you binge, how many calories are you eating (if you don't know for sure, rough estimate)? What's your age, height, weight and gender?

    when i am trying to diet, i usually aim for 1000-1500. most times i squarely aim for 1200. when i binge, i dont count my calories often, but several times i did and they came to 4,000+ calories. i am 18 years old, 165 centimeters tall, 165 pounds, and female.

    Your profile states that you are 35yo. How can we possibly help you if you are less than forthcoming with the pertinent facts?
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    How are you only 165lbs if you say you gained 80 lbs over the last year?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Stop having "forbidden" foods. That can be very triggering for binges. Eat anything you want in moderation and at a deficit, and you will lose weight without feeling so hungry.

    then how do anorexics manage to lose so much weight when forbidding themselves from almost everything?

    I'm gonna guess you're not even 18...

    Please talk to your parents and talk to a medical professional. The fact that you ask about anorexics leads me to believe you think you should starve yourself.

    You CAN eat in moderation eating what you love and lose weight. The people who have responded have ALL done that.
  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
    another troll post
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    How are you only 165lbs if you say you gained 80 lbs over the last year?

    Post history indicates she used to weight 80-something pounds.

    OP, please see your doctor about these issues. I think you need more help than an internet forum can provide. Good luck and good health to you. :flowerforyou:
  • @gypsyrunner
    thanks, i will check out the links, and i have always thought it was an addiction, so i will stop using that term. some of the professionals i mentioned were mental health professionals.
    @ pinkyfett
    i had a blood test done on thyroid, they didnt find anything.
    @calliope610 & msskarlet
    well for my age i pretty much just chose a random year without looking, and yes i used to weight 85 pounds.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    thanks, i will check out the links, and i have always thought it was an addiction, so i will stop using that term. some of the professionals i mentioned were mental health professionals.
    @ pinkyfett
    i had a blood test done on thyroid, they didnt find anything.
    @calliope610 & msskarlet
    well for my age i pretty much just chose a random year without looking, and yes i used to weight 85 pounds.

    All of your posts since joining MFP have been about binge eating. If you have that serious a problem, it will not be solved by posting to this board. I have deleted my links because you really need to talk to someone about how you are feeling. If you had to choose a random year - I'm pretty sure that you are not yet 18.

    If you were my daughter, I would want to assist you in getting the help you need. Talk to some one you can trust.
  • kgraves3
    kgraves3 Posts: 28 Member
    You were 5'5" and 85 lbs 8 months ago? Nah, I'm not buying it. That would make your BMI something like 14.

    If that is the truth, then you desperately needed to gain that weight, and are probably healthier now than you were then. If you can't see that, you might have an eating disorder.

    Assuming this isn't a troll post, and you are being honest with the facts here, I'd say you should not make ANY attempt to reduce your weight without talking to a doctor first, which I do not believe you have actually done.