Okay... seriously... HELP!!!



  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Are you taking any medications? Can you open your diary?

    i do not take any medications.
    i do not use this websites diary often, but i usually write down what i eat by hand.
    this entire week i have been binging. yesterday i binged on peanuts, noodles, fish, strawberries, and ice cream. this morning i was very very full so i skipped breakfast, only had water and stuff, and then around noon i still wasnt very hungry, so i had a bit of stir fried spinach (around 3/4 cup?). i felt tired suddenly so i had green tea, then i had some more spinach and fish as a snack, and then at around six a clock, i started to feel very hungry, and i binged on peanuts and cauliflouwer and carrots,

    I would recommend eating more during the day so then you are not suddenly hungry at night. Of course if you don't eat Breakfast and have a small lunch you will be very hungry. Eat more consistently!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I agree with the others, I think you should speak to a doctor/mental health professional. What you are describing is disordered eating, and there isn't a diet that is going to fix that and get you on track. You need to work through the underlying issues in order to be successful. I hope you seek help and get on the right track to a healthy lifestyle.
  • You were 5'5" and 85 lbs 8 months ago? Nah, I'm not buying it. That would make your BMI something like 14.

    If that is the truth, then you desperately needed to gain that weight, and are probably healthier now than you were then. If you can't see that, you might have an eating disorder.

    Assuming this isn't a troll post, and you are being honest with the facts here, I'd say you should not make ANY attempt to reduce your weight without talking to a doctor first, which I do not believe you have actually done.

    well fine if you dont believe me, but what happened to me was that i managed to eat so little for a while that i lost weight within seven months and dropped down to 85 pounds. actually, i just noticed i made an error in saying that i gained 60 pounds in 3/4 of a year, it actually happened in a bit more than a full year, because i forgot that i was somewhere around 105 pounds in the summer. i did know that i needed to gain the weight, the problem is i just dont know how to stop. i have told a doctor about how i had an insatiable appetite.

    i already talked to some professionals, so maybe i can try again, but i dont know what to talk about since i already asked about nearly every nutrition-thing i could think of. i think that asking stuff on a forum is okay because you can get advice from plenty of people as long as if its reliable.
  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
    Why do people keep feeding the trolls,. Nothing she is saying is making sense
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    how tall are you? 1000 calories is too low for me, and i'm only 5' 3". anyone who works out will be too hungry at 1000 calories, and probably at 1200 calories unless those are net calories.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You need professional help. Not just a general practice. I think a psychiatrist would be able to help you get to the real issue as to why you are doing this to yourself.

  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
    isn't this the same person who made several post yesterday about the same subject and when people tried to give advice they got mad and deleted the post.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    when i am trying to diet, i usually aim for 1000-1500. most times i squarely aim for 1200. when i binge, i dont count my calories often, but several times i did and they came to 4,000+ calories.
    Here's my blog post about goal setting (weight & calories):
    It includes links to several resources.

    For today, you say:
    i am 18 years old, 165 centimeters tall, 165 pounds, and female.
    At 5'9" and 165 lb, you're at the top end of a healthy weight range. Here's a BMI chart. http://www.shapeup.org/bmi/bmi6.pdf
    How much lower do you want to go? The healthy range goes down to 130, but where do you feel best?
    (From some other things you've said, it sounds like you'll hate yourself no matter what you weigh, so why not be in a healthy weight range?)

    The easiest way to figure out how many calories you should be eating to maintain a certain weight is to multiply that weight by 10.
    So if you're aiming for 150, eat 1500 calories per day. That will slowly & safely bring you to 150.
    You might be binging because you're not eating enough. Don't go below 1200 unless you're closely supervised by a doctor.

    But what other people have said is true: don't forbid yourself any particular food, only eat the unhealthy ones in moderation.
    If that means you buy a package of the 100-calorie Oreo snack packs and give the rest to your parents to store for you, do that. You can have one any day you want, but only one, not the whole box of cookies.
    If you want pasta, have a serving or two. Want rice? Have a cup of brown rice.

    Your other posts, other threads, where you talk about being anorexic and only weighing 85 pounds, plus admitting having binge eating disorder, make me (us) think that you need lots more help than we can give you.
    85 lb is _far_ into the dangerously low range.
    Between that history and the things you've posted, I'm going to say that you need long-term psychological help from someone who specializes in eating disorders.

    "i used to be 85 pounds"
    "for 8 months i have put on 70 pounds"
    "i have battled an eating disorder in the past"
    "I have binge eating disorder"
    "I used to be 30 pounds underweight. And everyone hated my body, even though i deprived myself of so much time and food to become thin like a model"
    "I restrict heavily and then i binge because i know that i can't ever be happy with my body because in other people's eyes i will be lazy, hamburger-loving American"
    "every day i have these madly wild cravings that i face DAILY, and they dominate every thought of my life"

    Being "thin like a model" is not a realistic or healthy goal. Most models don't even look like models, they're helped by photoshop.
    Don't depend on what others think of how you look. You'll never please everyone. Find out where you feel best and stay within 10 lb either way.
    Talk with your parents, tell them your struggles, let them help you find help and get healthy.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    You were 5'5" and 85 lbs 8 months ago? Nah, I'm not buying it. That would make your BMI something like 14.

    If that is the truth, then you desperately needed to gain that weight, and are probably healthier now than you were then. If you can't see that, you might have an eating disorder.

    Assuming this isn't a troll post, and you are being honest with the facts here, I'd say you should not make ANY attempt to reduce your weight without talking to a doctor first, which I do not believe you have actually done.

    well fine if you dont believe me, but what happened to me was that i managed to eat so little for a while that i lost weight within seven months and dropped down to 85 pounds. actually, i just noticed i made an error in saying that i gained 60 pounds in 3/4 of a year, it actually happened in a bit more than a full year, because i forgot that i was somewhere around 105 pounds in the summer. i did know that i needed to gain the weight, the problem is i just dont know how to stop. i have told a doctor about how i had an insatiable appetite.

    i already talked to some professionals, so maybe i can try again, but i dont know what to talk about since i already asked about nearly every nutrition-thing i could think of. i think that asking stuff on a forum is okay because you can get advice from plenty of people as long as if its reliable.

    You said you gained 80 lbs. Now you only gained 60? What's the truth?
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    i did know that i needed to gain the weight, the problem is i just dont know how to stop.
    i have told a doctor about how i had an insatiable appetite.
    You stop by exercising the same self-control you used to make yourself sick in the first place, and eat exactly the calories you should be eating. (For argument, let's say 1500.)
    i already talked to some professionals, so maybe i can try again, but i dont know what to talk about since i already asked about nearly every nutrition-thing i could think of.
    Your problem is not nutrition, it's mental.
    You've said you hate yourself no matter what you weigh or how you look, you want to be "thin like a model".
    You don't need to learn about nutrition so much as you need to figure out why you hate yourself and why you're punishing yourself by either starving or overeating.
    i think that asking stuff on a forum is okay because you can get advice from plenty of people as long as if its reliable.
    How do you judge if it's reliable? Seriously, I'd like to know.
    Because with as disordered and harebrained as the rest of what you've posted is, I don't think you'd know a reliable source if it bit you on the nose.
    At 18 (if you really are 18) I wouldn't have known. It took several years of college and a couple research classes to learn what's considered an acceptable source document.
    For myself (3 college degrees + nursing school) I would want good solid sources which use science and research, things like the CDC, PubMed, perhaps WebMD.
    If someone can back their opinion by citing to something like that, I'd give it some weight.
    (Many of the links in my blog posts fit that description.)
  • Try Paelo diet. You eat lean proteins, veggies but no starchy veggies. No dairy, no grains, cut way back on fruit. Starchy veggies,fruit, and grains turn to sugar causing the body to retain fat cells. Try it for at least 2wks and you will drop inches that fast. Don't forget some sort of exercise. I walk it doesn't have to be fast just at least 1hour daily you can do that all at once or split the time. Like 30 mins early in the day the rest later in the day. My Endocrine doc had me try this Paelo diet in March and here it is almost July and I dropped many inches off my waist and best thing is never feel hungry.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Why do people keep feeding the trolls,. Nothing she is saying is making sense

    It is easy to make mistakes when entering your data - I think I accidentally made myself 20 years younger than I really am by clicking wrong year of birth.
    Corrected now but you don't realise till some one mentions it.

    If OP has a mental illness ( not being mean there OP, I think you do have a form of mental illness called bulimia) then I understand not making sense.
    Best to give posters the benefit of the doubt.

    OP if you have had blood tests etc and nothing medically wrong then I don't think a nutritionist can help you - not on their own anyway.
    In conjunction with a physciatrist, yes.

    But the physciatric help is the main thing or nothing else will change.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Try Paelo diet. You eat lean proteins, veggies but no starchy veggies. No dairy, no grains, cut way back on fruit. Starchy veggies,fruit, and grains turn to sugar causing the body to retain fat cells. Try it for at least 2wks and you will drop inches that fast. Don't forget some sort of exercise. I walk it doesn't have to be fast just at least 1hour daily you can do that all at once or split the time. Like 30 mins early in the day the rest later in the day. My Endocrine doc had me try this Paelo diet in March and here it is almost July and I dropped many inches off my waist and best thing is never feel hungry.

    Paleo may or may not be a good diet - but this is hardly an answer helpful to OP :angry: