Binge eating disorder undefeatable

OKAY, so, every single day, i try my hardest to make all of my three meals a healthy combo of fats/protein/vegetables. When i TRY to eat healthily, i rarely include carbs or processed stuff. Fats/proteins/vegetables are supposed to keep you super full, right ???

Well they don't work for me. I binge eat every single day. Even if i eat totally healthy during the day.

I eat adequate portions, so i should not be feeling hungry, but i do. I tend to eat 2-6 cups of food at every meal. But during a binge i consume a massive amount, like 15 cups! And it's all on junk food! And i also get enough calories, so this all makes no sense.

I got blood testing by the doctors but they said everything was perfectly normal. However for 8 months i have put on 70 pounds.

I have EXTREME cravings for junk food.

Please help--- if i have no illnesses, and i consume massive amounts of vegetables and stuff like turkey and olive oil every single day? Then why do i have EXTREME urges to binge eat EVERY SINGLE NIGHT?


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Binging is generally caused by emotional problems. If you are having difficulty pin pointing the reasons why you feel the need to eat that much food, I would recommend seeking a therapists help.
  • Oh yes, also a note i would like to make, i do not eat for emotional reasons. It does not matter whether I am feeling happy sad or stressed! Binging happens to me no matter how i feel!

    The odd thing is, i used to be 85 pounds, and i got full very quickly on a small amount of ;food---even junk food!--- and i was able to be like that for 6 months.

    But this year i have turned into the exact opposite--- I feel unsatisfied on a very large amount of food. Why?

    It is definitely a physical craving, not something emotional, because my desires to eat junk food feel so STRONG, and i have noticed this while i am both happy, sad, or neutral.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Binge eating is tough to advise on over the internet. Some people binge for emotional reasons, for others, severe dietary restricting leads to bingeing. But either way, it's becomes a habit for those who practice bingeing and you need to break the habit.

    I would discuss this issue with your primary care doctor and ask for a referral to a therapist who specializes in binge eating disorder.

    Also, there's a book titled, Brain Over Binge. I found it very helpful in dealing with my bingeing but be aware the author is quite anti-therapy, an opinion I don't agree with.
  • It can't be strict dieting that is ruining me because when i try to eat healthily i make sure that i dont get too hungry.
    And yes I have tried viewing this as a habit to break and i tried very hard but i just can't do it, the cravings to binge are just haywire :(
  • almostplenty
    almostplenty Posts: 43 Member
    DSM 5 Criteria for Binge Eating Disorder
    A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating (same as bulimia nervosa)
    B. Binge eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following
    1. Eating much more rapidly than normal.
    2. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
    3. Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry.
    4. Eating alone because of embarrassment.
    5. Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty after overeating.
    C. Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.
    D. At least once a week for 3 months.
    E. The binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behavior.

    Ask your doctor for a referral to a eating disorder specialist.
  • I have already began to see a specialist several times, i was advised not to eat sugar or white flour but i fell off the bandwagon and relapsed, i tried to imagine myself not eating but the empty feeling in my stomach is way too powerful, seriously nothing works :(
  • spisea
    spisea Posts: 41 Member
    I'm a binger. I've done exactly what you are doing. I've eaten until it hurts and then I've eaten more to try to dull the pain of how much my stomach hurts from all that binging. I've stopped at multiple fast food stores so that the attendant can't tell how much I'm eating. I've eaten crazy things. Its a totally crazy disorder.

    One observation: The word "binge" is difficult one because many people on diets use it to mean having an extra piece of bread. So when considering if I want to heed someone's advice, I find it helpful to figure out if they have shared my problem.

    There are several treatment options for binge eaters. There are books you can read. I've found that the ones that emphasize certain diets to eliminate cravings are NOT helpful for me. (See above paragraph. Those books only work for people who are very minor bingers.) I found a little help from Geneen Roth. It didn't turn out to be enough help for me, but its pretty good stuff.

    Doctors, in general, are not going to have any idea how to help you. In fact, going to a GP about this kind of thing can really be a distressing situation because they really don't have expertise in this area. A good shrink with specific experience in treating eating disorders might be a wonderful help. Most shrinks these days understand that bingers have more in common with anorexics and bulimics than not.

    Another option is overeaters anonymous. At OA meetings, you will meet people who share the same problem as you and have experienced recovery. Its a good thing. :)

    I haven't binged in over 18 months, down from doing so every day. It can be done. I've lost over 100 lbs and I've done it without beating myself up or going on crazy restrictive diets. If you would like more specifics, maybe we can figure out how to get this system to let us talk privately.
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    Are you getting enough fat? I used to want to eat all the time until I started eating lchf. Since starting lchf I never feel the need to just eat and eat. Getting off the sugar and grains really makes a big difference in my appetite.
    Although I'm losing very slowly, only 7 pounds since Jan.26th, I don't feel deprived and know I can do this indefinitely.
    Good luck to you.
  • Are you getting enough fat? I used to want to eat all the time until I started eating lchf. Since starting lchf I never feel the need to just eat and eat. Getting off the sugar and grains really makes a big difference in my appetite.
    Although I'm losing very slowly, only 7 pounds since Jan.26th, I don't feel deprived and know I can do this indefinitely.
    Good luck to you.

    Oh yeah I always fry my vegetables in olive oil so there is nO ****ing way I'm not getting enough fat :(
    Like i said in my previous posts, i generally try to stay off of sugar and grains, but during the nighttime i have an insatiable craving for sugary/junk stuff