

  • Not weird. I always thought Girl Scout Cookies were single-serve boxes...
  • Just got one, so far I love it! In fact I am kind of obsessed with making my 10000 steps...
  • Don't go by weight, measurements--go by body composition.
  • I am doing 1200 a day.
  • There are plenty of clubs that welcome what planet fitness calls "lunks." Why not just go there and live and let live. Life is too short to be so bitter.
  • Same boat, baby! I lost 185 pounds after RNY in 2002, as of March 6 I was up 85 pounds...Yikes! I am happy to say I have let go of 22 of those 85 pounds since then. I joined my hubby in his lap-band pre-op diet from 3/6 to 3/19 when he had his surgery (kind of letting my pouch snap back a little from 16-inch softball size…
  • You know, I remember them telling us that you could regain your weight, but in the euphoria of finally losing the "X"s from my clothes, I guess I got complacent. The weight came back on a little at a time until I I could say I was still 100 pounds down from the day of surgery, but just! My hubby had lap band last week and…
  • I actually joined my hubby in his lap band pre-op diet, which is 2 meal replacement shakes and 1 approx. 500 calorie meal. I am thrilled to say I have lost 17 pounds so far (of course I have been using myfitnesspal almost religiously). I am going back to the hospital where I had my surgery (RNY) for follow ups and I intend…