Your biggest fat secret.



  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    My mom put me on the Adkins diet when I was 8. When you do Adkins, you have to pee on these little strips of paper and it would tell you if you were within the guidelines of eating like they wanted you, I was 8, I did not do what the book and my mom told me. So, most of the time, my stick was pure white instead of the lovely shade of purple she so desired and I would be punished, she was inventive with her punishments so I hated them. I took a purple marker into the powder room with me and painted the sticks purple so she would leave me the heck alone...........

    And thus that is where my diet disaster that has spanned my whole freaking life began

  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    If I had to choose between sex and food. i'd pick food :(

    I still would.

    But I'm pretty much asexual. So.

    On a serious note, though, I once ate an entire pack of Oreos. To myself. In one sitting.

    Weak. When I was around 16, I downed a box of peanut butter cups in one morning.

    Box. Please note weight.

  • logiatype
    logiatype Posts: 110 Member
    Weak. When I was around 16, I downed a box of peanut butter cups in one morning.

    Box. Please note weight.

    I respect this
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I got so big, my feet hurt really badly and I could barely walk. One day after trying to walk one block and nearly bursting into tears, my husband DRAGGED me into a Ross store and bought me some Sketchers Shape Ups and my feet felt amazing! I wound up hunting down and buying 3 more pairs of shoes, including two pairs of sandals for work. They don't make the sandals anymore and I knew I needed to do something or else my feet were going to pay the price.

    Also, I used to, (and still do), buy like three or four pairs of the same shirts, pants because it was rare to find something cute in my size.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I could eat a box of Reeses. :love:
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I could eat a box of Reeses. :love:

    I was worse, I could eat the whole Halloween bag of those!! :sick:
    In one sitting. :huh:
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Weak. When I was around 16, I downed a box of peanut butter cups in one morning.

    Box. Please note weight.

    I respect this
    Yeah me too!:noway: Double respect if you were not sick for the rest of the day.
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Weak. When I was around 16, I downed a box of peanut butter cups in one morning.

    Box. Please note weight.

    I respect this

    Indeed worthy of respect. This is quite an accomplishment. I love frozen Reese's or Butterfingers smashed and sprinkled on ice cream.

    I am another Wendy's Fix person, and thank goodness Wendy's is 65 miles away and I can only go if I drive up by myself, which is almost never. I do keep the splurge small, though.
  • smwiller
    smwiller Posts: 11
    Not weird. I always thought Girl Scout Cookies were single-serve boxes...
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    I once ate a 1/2lb block of cheese in the car, on the way home from the supermarket, as if it was an apple (just bit chunks off the block). Then I ate a whole chicken when I got home.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    back when I was vegetarian (when I was really fat now im vegan) I would eat two tubs of that Presidents Choice peppermint fudge bark ice cream alllllllllllll the time

    oh and family sized bags of ketchup chips, hickory sticks and smartfood

    oh and also my bf at the time and i would go to the bulk barn and buy like 40-50 bucks worth of candy , chocolate and chip whatever stuff and eat it while we smoked

    Ahhhh yeah
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I could eat a box of Reeses. :love:

    I was worse, I could eat the whole Halloween bag of those!! :sick:
    In one sitting. :huh:

    I meant I could eat them now....right now. No secret. :blushing:
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    Weak. When I was around 16, I downed a box of peanut butter cups in one morning.

    Box. Please note weight.
    I respect this

    Indeed worthy of respect. This is quite an accomplishment. I love frozen Reese's or Butterfingers smashed and sprinkled on ice cream.

    I am another Wendy's Fix person, and thank goodness Wendy's is 65 miles away and I can only go if I drive up by myself, which is almost never. I do keep the splurge small, though.

    I used to love Wendy's but I just can't eat their burgers anymore (or anyone else's). Now I just pick off the bacon. Which reminds me, I used to, every Saturday, cook a pound of bacon for breakfast. I clearly state bacon because there was nothing else lol. No eggs. No toast. Just ate a pound of bacon. God I am going to die young...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    If I had to choose between sex and food. i'd pick food :(

    I'd pick both, but I am much better at eating food.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I can eat a whole pizza. No problem.
    And have.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I could eat a box of Reeses. :love:

    I was worse, I could eat the whole Halloween bag of those!! :sick:
    In one sitting. :huh:

    I meant I could eat them now....right now. No secret. :blushing:

    lol,I'll come over, we can share it, if that's OK? I'd rescue you from
    all those bad cals!! ????
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    I just ate 6 slices of Papa Johns and now I want to vomit after reading this through this topic.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I would routinely get "road burgers" and eat on the road between home and work. Maybe a McChicken and a double cheeseburger. Or maybe two breakfast sandwiches, because one isn't enough, ya know? 2-3 doughnuts from the convenience store in the morning, or maybe several snacks in the evening: let's say PB cups, and Bugles, and, oh maybe Swiss Cake Rolls. I would eat all this and then eat a normal dinner with the family.

    I would usually try to buy these with cash, or else put them on a scrip card we get through our kids' school, or else buy them when I got gas. That way the expense was hidden from Mrs Jruzer. I'd usually hide the evidence under the seats or throw it out before I got home.

    As much as I can't believe I used to eat like that, even now "Fat Jruzer" would like to do it again. Mmm, burger...

    I basically used to do that, too. My "great job" was a VERY stressful & toxic one and the office was located next to a Starbucks and a McDonald's. After work I would very frequently grab a mocha or a McDouble and then go home to prepare a large dinner for my ex and I...or go out to dinner, and eat a full entree and maybe get dessert or bake cookies/scones before bedtime.

    Other fat secrets...hmmm... I was only at my all time heaviest for about 18 months, but I had really bad swollen ankles and sometimes feet (especially in the summertime) because of it, and I would have to choose my outfit for the day based on that. I might pick out capris or a cute dress/skirt, and then wind up in long pants to hide my ankles. ANKLES people!!! Not belly roll or back fat. Ankles. That was an "aha" moment of mine.

    Before, even though I was obese for many many years, I'd always had these relatively small & slender feet so it was totally weird to have to stop and think, "Can I wear the strappy sandals today or will my feet look like little chubby pig feet due to swelling" - and if I walked around for more than an hour, the swelling would become painful. I am SO glad that is all behind me. Sometimes now I come home from a 2 hour hike or 10 hours of sightseeing and marvel at the fact that my feet look all skinny and veiny. Sounds gross but it's an NSV! LOL

    Another one that comes to mind is always making a beeline for the most out of the way chair with my back to the wall. The very idea of sitting on the floor in the middle of a room would have freaked me out totally when I was very large. I'd feel all fidgety the entire time and worry that people were staring at my back fat or awkward seated position.

    I really like this thread. It is making me sit back and realize how far I have come!!
  • logiatype
    logiatype Posts: 110 Member
    I can eat a whole pizza. No problem.
    And have.
    When you say a whole pizza, what we talking about? 14" cos that weak.
    I used to do that after eating 6-8 wings :explode:
  • amandagorder
    amandagorder Posts: 36 Member
    at one point I would drink a 64oz soda instead of eating an entire meal. For every meal.... for several weeks.