aly_mc Member


  • In my opinion, food rewards can be a slippery slope as someone said the "I've earned this" mentality. I don't think one ice cream is necessarily a bad thing, but if it happens all the time, then I think it becomes a problem. I.e. I have a friend who used to play on an adult softball team that ALWAYS went out for drinks and…
  • You have probably lost a bit of weight from your face. I didn't lose much from my face, or thought I didn't lose any, but then compared a photo of myself to a little while ago and noticed a very very very slight difference. Not one that anybody else would notice.
  • I know the feeling of counselling being a scary/strange place. Best of luck on your journey of professional help. <3 Adding you :)
    in Newbie Comment by aly_mc May 2014
  • This comes right on the heels of my last night's google searches! I was just thinking about joining OA to figure some stuff out about my disordered eating. It's hard when-you need food to live, but you have an unhealthy relationship with it. But, then again, I'm not religious. Would I find support? I think I am going to…
  • Very powerful letter! From my experiences with ED, it really does rob you of joy. It's something good to reflect on for me.
    in Dear Anorexia Comment by aly_mc May 2014
  • This is a very good thread for me to see-I'm having a similar experience. This isn't so much a "dump him" post, but healthy can be a very hard thing to do alone. I'm hoping subtle encouragement will work in my case.
  • Doing weight lifting sounds like it's a good in-between exercise. If you had the inclination/resources you could incorporate yoga into your routine. It can be intense at times or relaxing depending on the instructor. I find for me, it's somewhere between light cardio and subtle body strengthening. Also, I find it's…
  • I would agree to say "lightly active". If you feel like you're more active, then change it.
  • I think it's very helpful for people to have sweetners as an option especially if you're diabetic. If you have the "big mac and diet coke" mentality, it's probably not helping very much, but small changes are better than none.