bonkers4mydogs Member


  • At around 6 months I started introducing my daughter to a sippy cup with water. There are cups specifically designed for babies around this age that have soft nipple-like tops which makes it easier for them to learn to transition from the bottle to the cup. At first she didnt get much water out of it but she did really…
  • Congrats on your beautiful boy! I had my daugher via c-section last July. I was weigh in around 145-150 going in and gained about 50lbs. I lost the first 25-30 within the first two months pp. But I have been stuck ever since. It's been difficult to find the time and energy to eat right and exercise to get back to where I…
  • I am right there with you! Not only do I not have the energy or motivation I need to get moving and get things done, but then I start feeling guilty and beating myself up that I should be doing this or that instead of sitting on my butt. It's turned into a vicious cycle. I wish I had someone to come and kick my butt and…
  • Thanks for the kind words from all of you. It has been a few months since my last post. I havent lost, but at least I havent gained either. The good thing is my daughter is growing more active, I think she's about ready to start walking, so that should help me be more active also. I do need to find the will power to…
  • Mine is in the center of my back just below my neck. It's an orca tail sticking out of the water, with a sunset in the background surrounded by the words "In Loving Memory Cindy Gillen October 18, 1965 - February 11, 2009". It's for my mom who we unexpectedly lost two years ago due to a sudden heart attack. She loved…
  • That sounds yummy! Thanks!
  • Thanks for the heads up on celery! I'll definately be stocking up on this stuff on my next trip to the grocery store so I can try it out! Thanks again for the suggestions!
  • hummzz, what an interesting mix! I'd love to see a photo of that one! :)
  • Hi I'm new to MFP and was just browsing the forum topics when I found this one and thought it fit me perfectly, my dogs are my "kids". I have two at the moment as we had to send our Chihuahua to the Rainbow Bridge last September. My girls are in my profile picture, Sadie, the brindle one is a 6 year old "All American"…