fayelobeck89 Member


  • I've read about fertility friend. I wasn't sure if I needed another one though haha, I have 2 already
  • I don't know why this made me laugh it just did :smile:
  • Okay, no I get that it's not as easy as 'good' and 'bad' but in terms of getting better at my 'diet', 'good' and 'bad' are simply easy talk for me, considering I'm not a food nerd. Anyway, thank you for all your help. I limit tea because I take sugar and by having only one a day I can still have what I like. I get very…
  • I've had pcos for as long as I have had periods and I was diagnosed at 17. Had my first ever pregnancy at the age of 22 and I was 4 weeks 1 day when I found out I was pregnant. I personally don't know much about metformin, I took it a few years back but not for long. Anyway, I carried my baby full term without a glitch,…
  • I used to put chocolate pieces into a hamburger. Seriously. It was amazing. I also ate a whole tub of Betty Crocker chocolate frosting, in one sitting. By myself. A.whole.frigging.tub. Had a migraine for FOUR days!!
  • FERTILITY not defoliate.... Fu*<>!g phone!
  • I've been trying to reply in this thread for days and my phone keeps kicking me off it and loosing very thing I type! I feel your pain. Doctor also wanted me to use bc but I refused point blank. Now waiting to hear off ultrasound and gynaecologist for appointments! I've been trying to tell you about an app I use, it's…
  • *bows in awe* - this is awesome! I think you just made this thread 20% cooler! Lol! Not that any of the other members aren't equally as cool, but, bronycon! Wow! I envy your life lol.
  • Fruits and veggies are part of our weekly shop. I try to cut up/prepare in advance but I find I waste more that way, not sure why though. I love eating fresh and cooking from scratch. But I find that I have something like that every night of the week really bumps up the total of the weekly shop! Something I can't really do…
  • Only just seen this! Equestria girls is actually quite good.... After you've watched it a couple of times. The first time I watched it I was like noooo but my daughter actually prefers eqg more than mlp (she's two, she has no sense of what's right or wrong) so I've seen it quite a few times and it's grown on me, it's a…
  • It sounds like everybody has had ups a downs! It nice to know I'm not the only one! I struggle with the weight because of my pcos... It's not fun, the worst thing for me to eat is sugary foods but something to do with my condition makes me crave it.i have an addictive personality so if something tastes good I tend to binge…
  • It's a tough one isn't it, the idea of treating your pcos is so your chances of conceiving are higher I'm not entirely sure about the mess you have, I've never heard of them, Maybe it would be worth talking to your doc again just to see if there is a Safer option you could take? I personally have been ttc for just under a…
  • Does anyone watch their macro? I'm concerned that mine may not be At levels I should be following? Like should I lower them? I've also read about carbs, are they something We should be really cautious of?
  • Thanks all but I've decided it's not for me. I've never felt worse after a workout ever, for the moment I have to be a mum first and healthy, skinny person second, maybe even 3rd. I'll stick to my eating and calories counting but I'm staying away from the workout dvd's, I'm not feeling like this. I can't cope x
  • Thanks everyone. Still struggling with the idea of it. I used to use the gym and I've done various different classes. At the time I was working a physically demandin job so I just got muscle soreness but this is actual pain lol, I literally did not expect to feel so beat by it considering I walk everywhere and normally do…
  • Am I better off doing it again and working through the pain? I don't know if that's safe, or good for you. Novice exerciser alert!
  • Deffo not poorly, other than the pain and the cold I'm fine. I don't know of it's because I'm normally on the go all day everyday and since finishing I've been unable to do most of the other things I normally do so not getting up and about as mucho. Thanks for your reply though, I thought about maybe doing it every other…
  • I think it's hard to pick a favourite lol, they're all just soo amazing lol
  • What you've got to remember is it's okay to eat everything... Anything.... In moderation, I'll still have the occasional McDonald's, kebabs etc but it won't be once a week like it was before, it never will be again, but I'm nt going to deny myself that stuff either. I love **** food. Simple. And I like to eat **** food…
  • I've been doing this about 6 weeks now, it took me about 2 weeks to get into using MFP though. I'm trying to loose weight because I want to expand my family and I have an underlying issue that effects my fertility, ultimately by loosing weight I can help to improve my overall condition and make my chances of conceiving…
  • Pinkie pie is awesome, let's not forget about pinkie pie and her beautiful self!
  • Try not to worry about the food you're eating at the moment, you need to figure out if you want this man in yor life or if you want to carry on being in an abusive relationship. I grew up in a household where both my parents were alcoholics and violence was a regular thing in our house, this has resulted in me suffering…
  • I kept letting myself down in the beginning and the only way i gained control was by having a bit more will power. Teaching yourself the power to say know will help you more than any 'quick fix'
  • When I see pictures of applejack and rainbow together... (There's this really cute one where rainbow is leaning on AJ's back and it just melts my heart) It reminds me of me and my best friend, I'd be the rainbow and I see her as AJ. It's funny how you an see yourself in characters from programmes! I actually sent her the…
  • Ooooh! A fellow ravenclaw... Welcome to the group! Feel free to add me as a friend, I've only been at this a month! Hopfully with the support of others it will help you reach your goals :) xx
  • We're all a sucker for a bad boy! Although if we're talking lion king, Simba would be the one for me.... Damn you nala! I like how everyone has a preference, It wasn't until I watched a show about bronies ( and the awesome fan base of mlp) that I realised pegasisters was another term for some of the fans! It's each to…
  • I was diagnosed when I was 17/18 (I can't remember exactly) I've got the extra body hair which I just shave off (belly,legs,toes,armpits,tops of legs,) and pluck (upper lip). That's how I deal with that. Hair loss isn't something I deal with, I just clean my brush after brushing and empty the plug hole after…
  • I have pcos too and currently learning more about myself and my body through eating better and anything else :) There's some groups on here that are for women with pcos, come join :)
  • Thanks ladies, so far I've cut the carb intake and I'm working towards a low glycemic diet :)
  • That would be a very acurate assumption! 10 points! Also, if it was the same when I did watch it as a kid I wouldn't remember anyway, I have a memory like a goldfish!