my journey of pcos

so here goes my story.

im 24yr old
been diagnosed with pcos 6 yr back when i was around 19y
been put on bcps for abt nearly 5yrs along with metformin.
since i was in college then when ever i tried to get off from bcps,my period wud become highly irregular, wud breakout badly and my hairfall wud reach its peak.then came the people pointing out "omg wht happend to ur face?? omg what happend to ur hair??have u gained weight??" (and dont even get me start on body hair/facial hair!i want to cry!!!)
so i got on them again..i think i kinda became dependable on them.i was so frustrated and also became scared about bcps becaz i read some wher that young women taking bcps are more prone to breast cancer if they take them longer than just imagine my horror??

so after 5yr of religiously taking them,i braved myself and stopped taking every thing one day.though im not overweight i joined gym and started searching for natural methods to control pcos
first i used to take progesterone pills if i dont get my af for like 2 months..but with regular workout and watching my diet it became more regular. well,some months regulary some months i have to wait for them for like 10 to 15 more days
one thing for sure im not going back to bcps again

though im tempted to take metformin again,i wud like to keep it at bay for some more time

now im taking vitex,multivit,biotin, also going to take fishoil as i read somewhere that it helps with energy levels and insulin resistance.planiing to give a try for spearmint tea as it helps lowering testosterone levels
applying castor-coconut-emu oils every other day to control hair far so good.
i weigh around 132 lb but wud like to trim it to 124

p.s: i think bcps are bull**** and should not be advised for not more that may be 6 months.
my good doctor didnt do anything except put me on bcps for 5yr (and i asked her to prescribe metformin for me!!).i think she should have been educating me about low carb diet,multi vit and alternative meds but did nothing expect "oh u still not getting them regulary so lets try bcps for some more time!!" i mean come on what is the fun of taking those evil pills when they dont treat the root cause??

sorry for my long ranting..but i have to get it out..

and thnx for ur patience :)


  • hellomiaow
    hellomiaow Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going through tests for pcos atm, same age as you and similar weight. Feel free to add me! :)
  • melody842
    melody842 Posts: 15 Member
    thnq :) just a small advice ..pcos or not dont let it get to u
  • hellomiaow
    hellomiaow Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    I have pcos too and currently learning more about myself and my body through eating better and anything else :)
    There's some groups on here that are for women with pcos, come join :)
  • Sameeraaaxx
    Sameeraaaxx Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS in second year college. I have a few of the symptoms- weight gain, hair loss, spots, irregular periods. I've always been slightly overweight and only recently started dieting. I started my dieting/exercising last week. I measured myself today and had lost 6 ibs (Ma)

    Does anyone else have similar pcos symptoms? How can I control them?

    Thanks :)
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was 17/18 (I can't remember exactly) I've got the extra body hair which I just shave off (belly,legs,toes,armpits,tops of legs,) and pluck (upper lip). That's how I deal with that. Hair loss isn't something I deal with, I just clean my brush after brushing and empty the plug hole after bathing/showering. I've normally been okay with my weight and was normally near to a healthy weight range, not with fat but with muscle because I had a very physical job but since having my daughter and no longer having the physical job to keep me trim I've plied on up to 2.5 stones (35lb) and haven't done much with that until now, currently cutting down on carbs, fats an sugars and working towards a low glycemic diet.
    There's still a lot I don't know about my condition and myself personally, I don't know if I am insulin resistant, I don't know if/when I ovulate, I couldn't track the regularity of my periods if my life depended on it!
    Sorry I couldn't be more help xx
  • melody842
    melody842 Posts: 15 Member
    I have pcos too and currently learning more about myself and my body through eating better and anything else :)
    There's some groups on here that are for women with pcos, come join :)

    thnx!! yup joined some
    btw are u taking any supplements??
  • melody842
    melody842 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS in second year college. I have a few of the symptoms- weight gain, hair loss, spots, irregular periods. I've always been slightly overweight and only recently started dieting. I started my dieting/exercising last week. I measured myself today and had lost 6 ibs (Ma)

    Does anyone else have similar pcos symptoms? How can I control them?

    Thanks :)

    bingo!! me 2 :) diagnosed in 2nd year and i had all those symptoms and then some
    i think u are on right track with diet and workouts
    if u loose 10% of ur body weight all symptoms will be almost controlled
    keep going :)