the 2nd one lol
jsut remembered more Trinity blood Sword Art Online Orphen Ao No Exorcist The Hack Movies Most Hayao Miyazaki films
HUGE ANIME/MANGA FAN! Ghost in the shell Akira 'Ninja Scroll Red Hawk Gundam WIng Gundam Seed Sailormoon Pokemon' Digimon DB DBZ Shinzo Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh GX ONEPIECE (FAVOURITE EVER!) Bleach Fairytail Naruto NAruto Shippuden Katekyo Hitman Reborn THe Breaker (manwha) The Breaker New Waves (manwha) FULL METAL ALCHEMIST:…
Queensland (Australia)
a Bigmac
Gotta go with the DL pick.
Huge Green Lantern fan growing up. Followed Kyle Rayner from the start of emerald twilight up until the rebirth series in 2005. Even named my daughter JAde after the first Green Lanterns Daughter. Collected comic books up until i was 22 now my kids read them all. Loved anime my whole life, watch alot of it with my kids.…
It all comes down to how much you can handle before it becomes too uncomfortable. I have a torn miniscus and an LCL tear so i cant do much until i get surgery. My cardio is restricted to bike, crosstrainer and rowing. (really concentrating on proper form) Resistant bands are awesomer and im doing alot of single leg…
jealous of back
GREEN LANTERN KYLE RAYNER! After the Death of Superman Series in the early 90s, my mum bought me my first comic and it was the Emerald Twilight Series when Hal Jordan became parralax and Kyle Rayner became Green Lantern. Kyle wasnt super brave like Hal or John. Or overly confident like Guy, he was clumsy and geeky which i…
Rain i guess.... WYR have 3 boobs or 3 bumcheeks? (My kids thought this one up)
Dakota Fanning
Another living in the QLD...feel free to add :)
AVATAR.....that movie was just a CGI jerk off. HUGO....i had no sympathy for anyne in theat movie. THE PIRATES OFTHE CARRIBEAN SERIES..... Any Vampire Movie
Alex Kidd in Miracle World. I just want that ring
Losing humbles you, it makes you envious of those who won, you learn more about yourself and when you become self aware of your weakness and truly work at it. When you finally achieve winning status, then you will understand what being a WINNER really feels like and appreciate it more
Works for me, i went frm a decent looking teen to some wierd over weight hairy 22 year old and my first GF was with me the whole time. Then when we moved to Australia and being at the beach all the time she asked if ild be more comfortable if my back was shaved. in my head i was like, "ÿep shes a keeper" We've been…
yep! When shes the one that volunteers to do it becuase she can see it, thats when you knnow you've found your Swolemate.
Go on the rides at a themepark with my kids
Where to start. late 80s - early 90s kid, so original Transformers, GI JOE, JEM, Defenders of the Earth, He-Man, Centurians, Duck Tales, Teddy Ruxpin, Voltron, Dinoriders and my all time favourite GALAXY RANGERS!!!! Now as an adult i watch anime with my kids.
i read alot of manga and my daughter watches alot anime. I even named her after the daugher of the first green lantern so feel free to add me if you want.
not terrible at all. whenever my kids fight or argue i punish them with burpees 20 for aurguing 50 for swearing 100 if they hit one another. I once made my nephew do 200 because 100 was too easy for him after a few weeks. I ended up stpping this method as they started to view exercise as punishment and started to hate…
who was in Speed with Alan Ruck.
True to no more kids TNP lifts
Just becareful that if you decide to use Supps, then that is exactly what it is a SUPPLEMENT. NOT A REPLACEMENT. Supps should only be used if you are in some sort of training program like body builder, fitness cover model or athlete. The average person, even fit average person really dont need to bother with them. The…