gotolam Member


  • Wut??? Do you also wash oranges?
  • You are correct. The article talks specifically to Running vs. Walking and my too-short 5 word summary is probably misleading. It is interesting to note that the act of speed walking is significantly different than just plain old walking. I do contend however, that fat oxidation will occur at a faster rate when there is an…
    in hmmmmmm Comment by gotolam February 2015
  • This is nonsense. Read this... TL;DR: Run faster, burn more calories.
    in hmmmmmm Comment by gotolam February 2015
  • You can get a pair of last year's Kinvara's on Amazon for about 60 bucks. Best deal there is imo. I went to the running store at everyone's urging and find it a little suspicious that everyone walks away from there with a pair of Brooks. Call me skeptical, but I can't believe that Brooks is the right brand every time for…
  • Why are all of you suggesting bodyweight exercises as an alternative to her doctor imposed limitation?
  • So you remember what other men eat? Wowsers. Don't know why you think I'm anti-science. I used it to lose all of my weight, increase LBM, lose GERD and other complications, and am perfectly happy maintaining. Methinks i'm not your best example of a cautionary tale. Please stalk somebody else.
  • Why would I be eating 1200 cals/day? I'm in maintenance. Yes, I somehow magically dieted down to my goal weight and stayed there. But scarier than hell that you remember posts I made over a year ago. Seriously, dude.
  • But i see now that my post has also been flagged. Guess i could accuse you of that as well. Very nice deflection.
  • You do realize more than just one person uses this website right? I don't flag, and i can't imagine a world in which i would get upset with what you have to say.
  • She didn't definitively say "Weighing daily is the habit of chronic dieters - people who clearly are not able to KEEP weight off." ??? Ok.
  • lol @Random statement with no backup about random statement with no backup. Weighing daily could perhaps be the habit of chronic maintainers as well.
  • Within limits, you can do whatever you want so long as it doesn't start infringing on other members. When you set out to take a couple stations and somehow think you have dibs on all of them is where it gets ridiculous. I had a New Year's Resolutioner get in my face because I apparently "took" his bench. I literally did…
  • Again, I dare you to eat so much broccoli that it puts you over the top. Have you tried to eat 200 calories worth of broccoli? No one is talking about dressing, cheese, oil, butter and eggs. I am not talking about being a vegetarian. I am talking about eating green leafy vegetables.
  • If I hit a plateau, I wouldn't be looking at my veg intake.
  • Exactly. I never count vegetables. Granted, I don't eat the starchy ones (yuck), but I've managed to lose all of my weight without bogging myself down in the minutiae. If a plate of broccoli is going to put you over for the day, you're probably cutting it too close.
  • But we're not talking about fruits and potatos. She asked, and i commented about Broccoli. Not cheese, not butter. Broccoli. Eat as much as you want until you're full. A cup of broccoli is about 100 calories. Can you eat four or five cups of them?
  • I dare you to eat enough platefuls of broccoli multiple times a day to put you over your calorie limit.
  • Why are you wasting all of your energy on warm up reps? I can understand doing a few reps to get the blood flowing if you don't have a warm-up routine, but you should think about keeping it simple. 3x8 OR 5X5. If it's too easy, increase load. If it's too hard, deload. You should be able to do just about 24-25 reps before…
  • So I'm waiting for the culinary expertise that you were going to answer if other people answered your question. They've given you a lot of resources to show that frozen can be as nutrient-rich as fresh. I'm waiting to hear your side of the story.
  • Adding resistance to cardio makes it a harder cardio workout, but not a workout designed for strength. So the short answer is, don't worry about letting your muscles rest for some pre-designated time period (48 hours). There are no real negatives to doing that workout everyday (other than injury if you're not careful).
  • Please someone tell me this post is a joke. I'm supposed to ask if I can use the treadmill next to "yours" or I'm considered rude? Between the OP who apparently can't breathe when outside of a bubble and the woman who wants to stop progress in a shopping line lest she be tainted by peasants, this is the WORST THREAD EVER.…
  • don't want to stop drinking beer (which is clearly putting you over the top for a caloric surplus), you don't want to go to the gym, you don't want to do sports, and you haven't once mentioned your diet. Yea, I don't think that glass of water between beers is going to help.
  • I would drop 2-3% below your goal weight before you move into maintenance. Once you no longer eat at a calorie deficit, your body will start replenishing glycogen stores that can make it appear as if you're gaining; even while eating at maintenance. Ultimately, a few lbs one way or the other won't make a difference, but…
  • Do you use the gas gauge on your car? It sucks at telling you exactly how much gas is in your car but my guess is, you don't ignore it.
  • LOL @ constantly inserting dinosaur talk into a weight loss discussion. No one is biting.
  • If you're not allowed to say muscle is heavier than fat, can you give me an example of when it would be ever okay to say one thing is heavier than another? Can I for example, say I'm heavier than my sister? I'm 145, she's 125. But if you measure 5lbs of me and 5lbs of her, than clearly I'm not heavier than she is.
  • No...actually that's not what I said. Here is quoted text: "However, most human beings would say feathers are lighter than lead; which is a perfectly valid statement. Which is my point." But sure, twist words so that you can continue arguing a point ABOUT BEING PRECISE.
  • Exactly a pound. However, most human beings would say feathers are lighter than lead; which is a perfectly valid statement. Which is my point. If you want to argue pedantically, take it some where else. I'm not interested.
  • No, but that wasn't his definition. His definition was "a pound is a pound". By that measure, lead would weigh the same as feathers so long as you had a pound of each.