MckeyDee Member


  • I work 6 hours a day and walk around a lot, and I chose moderate activity level. My results with mfp over a couple of years seem to show that is accurate. So if I were you I'd choose high activity level, and see if your weight changes match mfp predictions for you over time.
  • I got to my weight goal about 6 months ago, but I still keep track. It takes a long time to change eating habits, so I am staying on maintain and probably will for a long time. When I am tempted to eat junk I stop and first ask myself "which do I want more - to be skinny or to eat these chips right now?" That helps me when…
  • Baby girl Asking strangers if you look fat is not something I recommend. Set your own goals and achieve them make yourself feel good inside! yes. I agree...
  • has anyone seen this site and what do you think? It is supposed to tell you how many calories you are burning for various workouts. But according to this, Jillian's 6 weeks 6 pack burns 816 calories per hour based on a body weight of 150 lbs. This is much higher than entering in circuit training for 30 min - which says…
  • If you are only eating 1200 calories you may find you need to eat more in order to workout, since 1200 is for someone with a sedentary lifestyle. And as has been said above, you will still lose weight at a healthy rate if you 'eat what you burn."
  • two small eggs fried in a bit of olive oil, on a whole wheat slice of toast with a smidge of butter. and a black coffee.