dmsx3 Member


  • I do unless it's just a slice to tomato or piece of onion for a burger or something along those lines.
  • I plan the meals, shop for the meals and cook the meals so we eat whatever I say we eat. I do try to take into consideration the things they like to eat compared to the things I can't fit into my calorie allowance. For instance, we all love hamburgers, I make myself a smaller patty with half a slice of cheese but lots of…
  • Unsweetened, shaken green tea has always been my Starbucks drink. It is very refreshing. It was made with Tazo Zen tea but I understand they have changed their tea lately and I haven't had the replacement yet. I might be switching to coffee soon!
  • Sort of but I don't call it a cheat day. I eat pretty structured Monday-Saturday so I give myself a break on Sundays. I don't go crazy eating but I let myself relax on logging a bit and eat a bit more spontaneously than the other 6 days of the week. If I have a mid-week craving, I fit it into my meal structure during the…
  • No special diet here either. Just keeping my calories below 1600. Sometimes I eat my exercise calories. Sometimes not. For instance, because tonight is date night with the SO, I have cut out one of the two snacks I allot myself and ate less for lunch just so I can have a 25 oz. Blue Moon with dinner. :) Oh, and will eat…
  • I am 5'10" and am shooting for 160. I started at 186 and hover around 170 right now. I am 47 yo now and before children, I was at 135. I look too skinny in those pictures. The last time I weighed 160 was after the birth of my second child, nearly 18 years ago. That weight will get me out of the "overweight" designation by…
  • Large romaine salad with carrots, tomatoes and red onion, 2 turkey meatballs and a half cup of ancient grains pasta and a miniscule amount of spaghetti sauce.
  • Health. I am 47 and have no known health problems and would like to keep it that way for as long as possible.
  • This. So much this. I am almost 20 lbs lighter than I was in mid July and have eaten hamburgers, French fries, chocolate chip cookies, pizza and beer. Not exclusively, of course, but I wasn't eating those things exclusively before then either. If you take your time losing the weight, you don't have to deprive yourself.
  • Love this recipe. Easy and quick to prepare. I have only made it on the grill. Jambalaya Serves: 4 Makes: 6 cups Hands-on time: 20 minutes Total time: 45 minutes INGREDIENTS: •1/2 lb raw shrimp, 26/30 size, peeled and deveined, tail on •4 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast, diced into 1-inch pieces •1 all-natural…
  • I am 5'11 and was always on the thinner side hovering around 135 for most of my early adult life. I never thought I was too thin. That was just naturally how I was built. I didn't diet and ate whatever I wanted, just had a high metabolism and struggled to gain weight when I tried. I am 45 now and am at 180ish. My goal is…
  • The Kansas City Royals, beating the Oakland A's! Woot!
  • I wonder if the strips expire? I will have to check for an exp date.
  • Hmmm. At first I thought I was just dehydrated. I do drink a lot of water generally and kept better track today but I am still showing signs of ketones. I have a doctor's appointment Friday for another issue and will ask for their opinion/thoughts.
  • I think someone misunderstood my post, is having a bad day or off their meds. I am new to weight loss and working out and thought giving someone advice on quitting smoking, which I do have experience on, might help her. Gosh, I also thought encouragement might help too. I never insisted her light headedness was caused by…
  • Neverwinter player here. Never played WoW. I have always been too afraid of getting completely addicted. :) Used to love Pirates of the Caribbean though!
  • In addition to everyone else's submissions about eating more....quitting smoking will cause light-headedness/dizziness too. You are actually getting more oxygen in your body now and it will take a few days to readjust. Read up a little bit on what quitting smoking does to your body, or more accurately what SMOKING does to…