wvscubaguy Member


  • Good luck. Sticking with it is the key. If something happens and you fall off the wagon, dont beat yourself up. Just get back on.
  • I have run off and on since being in service in the 80s. Key is stay healthy. That means starting slow and gentle increases in distance, time and speed. Also, the right shoes are actually important. Find a running and walking store where they can fit you with the right shoes. A decent pair of shoes will cost less than an…
  • First, yes you can start running. I use a Gym Boss I bought online. Easy, small cheap. Our 5k community is great. I am a race director for a 5k every October. We had a guy who was over 380 finish last year and there were runners who finished that went back out on the course to be with him and about 100 people at the finish…
  • I am in the same boat. I stopped 2 years ago due to work schedule. Now trying to reclaim my former running and thinner self. Carrying 35 extra pounds does not make it easier but after 3 weeks of concerted effort, I actually ENJOYED a 5 mile run today. Hang in there!