

  • To be fair (an expression I use too much! :laugh: ) that part of the sight says "if every day was like today"... How many days are exactly the same...and how boring would that be? Rather than taking it literally I use it as a motivation, thinking "wouldn't it be good if in 5 weeks I was ???", that sort of helps me stay on…
  • I used to manage a gym (a long time ago) and my experience is that a lot of people who come in either very early in the morning or late at night do so in order to avoid those people who they think have "got it together" . They tend to do this because they have some of their own personal issues, either with self confidence,…
  • I went back to University in the UK at the grand old age of 39...celebrated my 40th by gaining my Master of Science with Distinction...not bad for an ex-Cavalry man! Basic training...Always remember..."They're not allowed to kill me"..."I can stop running when I reach the top of this hill" (even if you can't)..."The sun'll…
  • Hi from the UK and welcome to MFP, you'll come across loads of really nice people on here. I would stick with entering everything that you eat...this site is fairly user friendly and once you've got it on your database it's really only a couple of clicks... You could try grouping all of your veg together and setting it as…
  • I'm from Rugby, England, where the game was invented...we're on tour to Metros Rugby Football Club, Minneappolis in 2011...both my sons have Twins T-Shirts & Jerseys from my last visit in 2007! I hope the weather warms up unexpectedly next year so that we don't have to wear longjohns under our playing kit!!!:laugh:
  • I'd love to be able to explain this to our 3 year ole Wheaton Terrier, but she's as mad as a barrel of frogs, so it would just go straight over her head whilst she barked at me to "go get the lead dumbo!"
  • Models you say...mmmmmm...let me think about that. On the plus side: - The lads will buy me beer all tour and I'll be considered an Icon of tour history! :drinker: On the negative side: - mmmmmmm...nope, can't see that!:laugh:
  • Hi Guys Thanks for offering to gee me along...I'd better make sure I put the effort in now! If it's okay with you I'll invite you to be my friends and that way I'll make sure I stay in touch...Shaggys already been kind enough to invite me to be hers, so it looks as though I've got the A Team on my side now.:happy:
  • HI It looks as though you've come a long way already! Trying to fit it all in is hard, I've only been on this web site for a week, but it seems really good and the people are really nice and supportive...just what you need! If you ever want to offload anything or seek motivation, give me a shout.
    in Hello! Comment by Hughesy February 2010
  • Insanity...yep, that just about sums it up! Thanks to everyone for their kind words.:smile: