jdeet Member


  • Don't be embarrased about running! Be PROUD! Remember you are doing this for YOU. Not all those people... YOU are what matters and not what someone else thinks. As you progress in your running you will be so proud of yourself and in the end that's what really matters. Not what some stranger thinks. And really if they think…
    in Need help ! Comment by jdeet July 2011
  • For me what worked was joining a workout class that I enjoyed and not focusing on losing weight but more on getting fit. I did that for 2 years... Then I decided I wanted to drop 10 lbs.. so I cut my calories back and started running which I love. I also added a few more cardio and weight classes. I lost that 10 plus 7…
    in Need help ! Comment by jdeet July 2011
  • Thank you everyone! I didn't know abuot changing it to maintain! Will do that right now! xoxo J