Need help !

hello everyone. I need tips, advice,.anything. This has been the first time in years that I want to actually stick with my weight loss goals. Which is why I want to know as much as possible so I can make a plan. When should I eat? How many times a day should I eat? How long should I exercise? What can I do to motivate myself? I'm so confused and I just want to start off the right way. I want to lose over 160 pounds by next year. Feel free to add me for support! Please help? Thanks


  • I would start slow and build - the motivation goes if you try so hard and don't see any results and you think you should. I haven't lost anything yet and I've been on the plan almost a week. But it has made me think about my choices and has started me making more choices to get moving! I take a walk or I'm on the Elliptical 3 times a week. I know that weight will come off - but for women it just takes longer. Be patient :)
  • Could always use more friends. The biggest thing that has helped me buy groceries (which you may or may not know) stick to the perimeter of the grocery store; usually produce, protein, dairy products are housed. The best part of this is they are in natural forms which means healthy. I've been sticking to this and initially it's hard to resist those cravings for chips, sodas, or frozen pizzas but it's faded quickly and I hardly ever crave them anymore. And don't forget WATER, WATER, WATER- Whenever I walk by my bottle of water or look at it I make sure to stop and drink a bit (and manage about 90 oz. a day).

    I've been on the site for 3 weeks so I'm sure everyone will have much more informative advice.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey there!

    First off, welcome! You're in a great place to find some really useful tools, and -- even more important -- supportive people! One of the important things is to build a group of supportive MFP friends who will encourage you, and cheer you on. Be sure to introduce yourself on the, ummm, "Introduce Yourself" forum topic!

    Here's a great posting for folks who are just getting started here:

    Lots of really good info in there, including answers to some of your questions.

    Cindy's right -- don't rush to drop a ton of weight or jump into a grueling exercise regimen, but do it right. Take care, and good luck -- you're young, and there's no doubt you can set yourself on the path for a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life! :)
  • I have found that planning my meals on this website before I actually eat helps me to see what the benefits of choosing something healthier over something I'm just craving. Also the more you shop for food and prepare your meals the easier it is to stay away from temptation. I have been working out for 45min-1hr 4-5 days a week. Nothing crazy just walking on the treadmill and so far in about a week and a half i've lost almost 5lbs. It's all in choices and dedication to your overall goal. Just stick with it, it will get easier. :-)
  • jdeet
    jdeet Posts: 5 Member
    For me what worked was joining a workout class that I enjoyed and not focusing on losing weight but more on getting fit. I did that for 2 years... Then I decided I wanted to drop 10 lbs.. so I cut my calories back and started running which I love. I also added a few more cardio and weight classes. I lost that 10 plus 7 more lbs in several months.. I also dropped 3 pant sizes.
    Find a workout that you like... For me that's the key. Don't join a class you hate and dread going to. Sure you're going to sweat and moan and groan but the reward in the end is the greatest feeling you will ever have!

    Good luck!
  • Riebop
    Riebop Posts: 275
    I agree start slow. Make small changes and build on them. Also, don't make it stressful. Alot of times people stress too much over little slips and trips. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all succumb to temptation. It's what you do after it that determines your success.

    When it comes to exercise, find something you like to do. Your motivation to workout all depends on finding something that you look forward to doing everyday. If you find a specific workout boring, find a different one.

    As far as when to eat and how many times a day you should eat. That varies depending on the person. Personally, I eat when I'm hungry. I've been at this a while and have learned to listen to my hunger signals. However, other people prefer a schedule. I also eat 5 or 6 times a day. I'm a grazer. I find that I usually get hungry every 2-3 hours. So, that's when I eat.

    Losing weight isn't an exact science. Everyone is different in how they go about it. There's a bit of trial and error to figure out what works for you. Just keep working on it and moving forward and you'll do great!
  • Thank you so much for your advice!!! I did have temptations though. I find that I get hungry really late at night because I am a night person so I can never sleep early enough. its already been 3 or 4 days and it is still hard. I'm trying hard. I wanna get into running but I get embarrassed walking around let alone run. How do you guys not get embarrassed?
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    I wanna get into running but I get embarrassed walking around let alone run. How do you guys not get embarrassed?
    It's been a few years since I did any running, but when I did I had to build up from wheezy unfit beginnings. And you know what? It wasn't a problem. Don't expect to just be able to leg it down the road - you'll need to build up slowly, through maybe a walk/run schedule, until you get into it. Check out the training plans here: as they're a good place to start (try doing the walking one, then the jogging one, then the running one). It can help to have a goal - those plans come from the Race For Life, which is a massive all-women cancer fundraising 5k 'race' (although it's not competetive at all) in the UK. That was what started me running, but I ultimately did a half marathon and really loved it, and if I can balance out my bizarre work life I'll totally start running again. The nice thing is that everyone you see out running is actually really friendly and supportive - they always say 'good morning' to you - and no-one cares if you aren't that great.

    When I did the half marathon, I was worried that people would laught because I knew I was going to be really quite slow. In fact, it was brilliant. Because I was towards the back, when I did the last few miles all the people out watching were really encouraging - they kept shouting out my race number and telling me I was nearly there and I could do it - and it actually made for a fantastic experience. Plus, apart from anything else, running just makes you feel good - once you've been for a run you feel really calm and like you can do anything. Give it a go, and enjoy!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Start slow, make sure you try and eat within your given calories, try not to go over. Don't beat yourself up if you slip. Start off by making small changes, replacing food with healthier options, where you can, cutting back on things that aren't good for you, like junk food and soda or what not, I don't know your diet lol. Don't go crazy, people who rush into it too quickly and go too extreme usually don't succeed, because it really does have to be something you can live with. That's why these changes have to be gradual. When it comes to exercise, I started off working out 3 times a week, for half an hour. Eventually I increased those workouts to an hour. Then an hour and a half. Then I moved to 5 times a week for an hour. Now, I do 7 days a week; monday, wednesday and friday I go power walking with my friend, and then work out at night with my mom, so that's an hour and a half on those days, and every other day of the week I do about half an hour, sometimes a little more. And I try to walk around a lot as well, outside of the exercising. You start off with something you can handle, but always push yourself a little past that. As it gets easier, you push yourself more. Never let it get too easy.

    Speaking of walking; I used to worry a lot about what people thought, about people looking at me. But you know what? Who really stares? And if people do stare for whatever reason, who the hell are they? Very few people are going to care that you're on the heavier side, and those who do are *kitten*, and there are always going to be people in life who are going to judge us, for ANY reason. So you're heavy? That's nothing to be embarrassed of. Why should you stop living your life? I know it's hard at first to just stop caring, but you do that by making yourself go out, by getting out and being in public. Don't recluse. I jog/power-walk with my friend and at first it was a bit embarrassing, but you know what? I'm trying to lose weight, why is that something ot be embarrassed of? Try not to think about, or even notice, the other people around you. No ones really looking, no one really cares. And when people do look, it's usually not for a bad reason. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, this is your life, and you shouldn't let anything stop you from living it. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Thank you so much for your advice!!! I did have temptations though. I find that I get hungry really late at night because I am a night person so I can never sleep early enough. its already been 3 or 4 days and it is still hard. I'm trying hard. I wanna get into running but I get embarrassed walking around let alone run. How do you guys not get embarrassed?

    The way I see it is who cares. If someone is cruel enough to make a comment about you while you are trying to better yourself obviously has bigger issues then you know of. I always felt self conscious about if I ran funny, or what the other joggers would think as they passed me, and to be honest it doesn't matter. You are who you are and you are making a valid effort to become the person you want to be, and anyone who see humor or wants to make fun of you needs to grow up. You will also find that the more you do it, the less you care about other people. Good luck!! Hopefully you stick with it, cause nothing is better then the feeling of achievement. :smile:
  • jdeet
    jdeet Posts: 5 Member
    Don't be embarrased about running! Be PROUD! Remember you are doing this for YOU. Not all those people... YOU are what matters and not what someone else thinks. As you progress in your running you will be so proud of yourself and in the end that's what really matters. Not what some stranger thinks. And really if they think anything it's jealousy that they don't have enough nerve and strength to be out there doing it themselves!
