

  • I used Nutrisystem before. It's not bad, but it wasn't for me. Some of the meals were very good, but some of the stuff smelled bad (which obviously makes it unappetizing). They also want you to supplement your owns sides and veg, etc., which to me defeats the purpose. And although the meals were very small and very low in…
  • pick one from here: part-skim mozz cheese (1.5 oz), guacamole (2 oz), salsa (however much you want), dark chocolate (1 square), ham, turkey, or roast beef (4 slices), low-fat cottage cheese (3/4 cup), peanut butter (1 tbsp), hummus (1/4 cup), tuna, in water (1/2 can) and one from here: apple slices (1 medium), baby carrots…
  • this is from "cook this, not that": here are 8 different options: 1. pack a stack of triscuits, swiss, and slices of smoked ham or turkey. 2. mix together a bit of mayo with grated horseradish. spread on toasted rye or wheat bread, then top with roast beef, sharp cheddar, sliced cucumbers, pickled onions, and arugula. 3.…
  • you don't have to eat all organic to eat healthy! produce (fresh or frozen) goes further and costs less than junk food. you just have to buy things that are in season so you're not paying extra for the shipping costs. you can also try farmers markets. they are nice because you only buy exactly how much you need and they…
    in Groceries Comment by begonia813 May 2011
  • try almond butter. or some other nut butters. peanuts are one of the "worst" nuts for you. i was reluctant at first, but i actually like them better!
  • if you do this for a few days, your body will go into starvation mode and start saving every calorie and bit of fat that it can. eventually, you willll start to lose the fat in your body because your body will need to burn it to survive, but your body's functions will also start deteriorating because you're not getting…
  • one "bad" meal a week will not throw off your whole diet. your body can't absorb 7 lbs. back in one meal. in fact, it's good to let your body know that you are PURPOSELY trying to lose weight lol. it's good physically and mentally - one indulgent meal a week is good for you. but it is good to eat light for the other part…
  • you look great! congratulations!!!
  • States: New York, Pennsylvania (born and grew up), New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida (went to college), Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California (live now), Oregon, Nevada Countries: Canada,…
  • in your profile settings, you can change your daily activity level, which is NOT exercise, it will just affect how many calories you should eat per day.
  • Your body was probably just craving salt. Try drinking more water instead. Pickels are a good alternative to chips though - crunchy and salty! I always keep some in stock. Just remember moderation because of the sodium.
  • no! you can never have too much vitamin c. if you have waayy too much, you might get diarrhea, though. vitamin c clears your digestive system. it's critical to your krebb cycle because it converts fat to energy.