

  • INSANITY! You will get over that plateau quick. I just did a video about three hours ago and I felt pushed yet great afterwards.
  • Find you a Bosu ball and flip it with the flat side facing up. Stand near a wall or have someone help you balance your feet as you gather yourself. Keep your legs in close until comfortable and you can go wide to deepen the squat. I first started out just squating w/nothing. then progressed to squatting for a minute, the…
    in Squats Comment by Deacjr April 2011
  • It's not about what's the best yet about what's convenient and is benefitting you doing your time of transformation. You have to be willingly to layside personal feelings and subject yourself to that. Honestly, I just did INSANITY and I am off the hook in love with the action involved. Was able to do it with a group of…
  • Increase your water intake, which I am sure you've already heard. Yet if you don't maintain the water consumption you will quickly gain the water back. Also the alcohol is absorbing your nutrients whether before or after you eat. I know you said you hadn't a drink in a while yet your body is readjusting itself. Stay the…
  • Congrats! continue to push yourself, set a standard and look to increase it after a week of doing that number consistently 3 out of 7 days that week. Your body creates new physical expectations for itself and your muscles adjust while recovering. Even if you can't do the same number the following week, try completing it in…