leahannhorton Member


  • I don't track carbs, but I do track fiber as I feel lighter when I regularly have enough fiber in my diet and it makes me opt for whole foods to drive that count up. I wish MFP would differentiate between soluble and insoluble fiber, however. In terms of sugar, I try to monitor to give me an idea of how much sugar I…
  • I do this sometimes but with the premixed shakes, like Premier Protein.
  • Honestly, if I'm looking for something quick when I'm out and about at work I hit the grocery store. Grab something from the deli (usually labeled with nutritional information) and it's typically cheaper.
  • I make homemade egg mcmuffins in bulk and freeze them- I use a canning jar lid to steam eggs in a frying pan on the stovetop, and top it with a slice of cheese (and sometimes ham or canadian bacon if we have it on hand) on an english muffin. I usually get the double fiber english muffins, and the whole breakfast is around…
  • Yes- I will be hosted. So I'm at the will of whomever I'm with as far as meals/lodging/scheduling goes for my trips
  • I like to make savory oatmeal :) So instead of using milk or water to boil the oats, I use chicken or veggie stock then add things like peas, feta, asparagus, etc.... Turns out like risotto with a LOT less work :)
  • Vega One! The nutrition, aside from the protein, is hard to beat and it tastes great! It's completely plant based. 1 serving is between 160-170 calories and keeps you full for a long time!
  • EAT! To heck with trying to lose weight. Breastfeeding is more important now. Some of us are just not lucky enough for breastfeeding to take it all off. I exclusively pumped for 8 months, and whenever I cut too many calories in a day, I knew it since I could see my supply daily. You could definitely be producing more than…
  • YES YES YES! 5'11'' here. Started out at 240lbs (before I found MFP), and I'm down to 165lbs. Even at 165lbs, I still feel GIANT compared to other women. I'm hoping to hit 150lbs as my final weight. As a total side note: I'm sure you can also relate to this: there is NOTHING I hate more than seeing a short woman with a…
  • Why not try tackling one new veggie a week/month/whatever specified amount of time. Pick something new you've never tried and try out recipes until you find a way that you might like that vegetable. Then once you've found a way that you like, say peas, then move onto something else, like squash. Vegetables are SO SO…
  • Our favorite cheat meal: English Muffin Pizzas! We rarely eat dairy in our household, but we will for the sake of pizza :) Its cheap and you can load sauce and toppings with all the veggies you want!
  • My two cents are that you should eat foods that naturally occur. TOTALLY MY OPINION, but the best foods for you are the ones mother nature readily gives. If I ever have a soda, diet or not, I always feel bloated afterwards. If you are looking for something fizzy, I'd go for some kombucha. Love the probiotics and how they…
  • Its technically a "food", so when you are adding new foods for the day search breastfeeding, or exclusively breastfeeding (cant remember the exact title, but its easy to find). I exclusively pumped for 8 months (so.... much..... work.......), so I was able to accurately know exactly how many ounces I was making a day. Some…
  • Kashi Go Lean! Its got 13g of protein and 10g of fiber per cup. I believe it's around 160 calories per cup? https://www.kashi.com/our-foods/cold-cereal/kashi-golean-original-cereal
  • Vega One (Protein Shake). I use it everyday! Its spendy, but worth it in my opinion. Its got 6 servings of greens (Kale, Broccoli, and Algae) per scoop and 20g of protein! And comes in around 160-170 cals depending on the flavor. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
  • I use a supplement protein powder: Vega One. Spendy, but I LOVE it. Not low card (13g a serving), but all the other benefits make up for it easily :)
  • Almond milk and sugar free torani!
  • If you have a Safeway near by, they make these salad bowls that are about 230 calories, and they make a Chicken Caesar one.
  • I always sautee zucchini with sweet peppers, squash, and sweet onions. Add a little Olive Oil and some McCormicks Montreal Steak Seasoning. Taste just like what they serve at restaurants and depending on how much oil you add, it it less than 150 cals! Pair with some grilled fish or chicken, and you have a great 200ish…