

  • Well the turkey burger info has to be wrong because it didnt list the sodium and thats one of things that I am tracking. Also with the sweet potato fries I didnt have a whole basket but it was a side with the burger. So I dont know how accurate that is either.
  • well you take 2 tbsps of the powdered pb and mix it with 1 tbsp of water and stir it until smooth. trust me it tastes great and I am peanut butter picky. I had also tried better n peanut butter and like that too but I think I love PB2 better.
  • Oh I absolutely love PB2. It tastes so much like the real thing. For any of you weight watchers program members its only 1 pointsplus for 2 tbsps compared to 5 pointsplus for either regular peanut butter or reduced fat peanut butter. If you are military or have access to a friend that is military you can also get it at the…
  • Ok thanks. I put it down as 4 of them. Its better than not putting anything down at all.
  • Well it was the whole crust not just the ends. If it was just the ends meaning just the crust I would have logged it as breadsticks. I still could do that even though I ate the part that the sauce and cheese was on too.
  • I love it. Its awesome. I fixed a recipe where you take sugar free jello instant cheesecake pudding mix and 1/2 cup of PB2 and 1 2/3 cup of fat free milk and mix those until well blended and then fold in 1 8 oz tub of cool whip free and enjoy. A serving size is 2/3 cup and it makes 6 servings. I call is PB2 cheesecake…
  • Thank you very much.
  • Yes it can be. But it is so worth it to me to be healthy.
  • Thank you so much.
  • Kim I already have you on my friends list but I am going to read your blog right now. You are doing an awesome job and I admire you for trying to help inspire other people to keep on their weight loss journey. I know how you feel.
  • I am also doing pointsplus but I decided to join this site to see how much it made a difference in my weight loss. This completes my first week doing MFP and tomorrow is my offical weigh in for both weight watchers and MFP. I do know that since last week on my home scale I was at 200 and today I was at 197. I started on WW…
  • I do the same thing. I cant help it either. I think that by getting on that scale everyday is what keeps us in check. My official WI day is on tuesday at my ww meeting but I still get on there everyday anyway. LOL
  • thanks shandy.
  • You could also eat Vitatop Muffins or Muffin Tops. They have some nice fiber in them too. I love them. :smile: