

  • Hello and welcome! :-)
  • I like to try and get in equal amounts of both when I can, but I have a tendency to get in more cardio on a regular basis. I am probably around a 65% cardio and 35% weight training lately. It really depends on how often I get to the gym in a given week and if I do the TRX Suspension Straps training every week, which…
  • Try cutting out foods and drinks that have sugar in it, other than those that offer all natural sugar like fruits. Eat lots of vegetables. And try to cut out pastas and other foods that contain flour. I often find that when I am suffering depression, I am also suffering an imbalance in my food intake and my gut has become…
  • I am 43 and it seems like the older that I get the harder it is for me to get the weight off. Congrats on what you have gotten off so far! :-)
  • You can add me. I have several pounds to lose also. :-)