keyofnight Member


  • As it turns out… it was constipation. Gotta drink more water and get more fiber. :neutral:
  • I've been at a plateau for 2 weeks. I don't eat back my calories if I can help it.
  • Someone will correct me if I'm wrong (I hope), but from what I've read, the only way to lower body fat is to be at a caloric deficit. That is, you have to burn more energy than you take in. Cardio is just a very reliable way to use up a ton of energy, diets are just a way of cutting back on how much energy you take in, and…
  • Awesome! Thanks for your help. I have to admit, I've done kettlebell HIIT before and, while I didn't injure myself, I did end up very sore for a few days. I was doing a similar routine with a 20 pound weight and longer intervals (60 seconds active, 30 seconds resting). It was hard to get back on the wagon. I guess I like…
  • Wow! So much amazing advice, and so much success. I'm happy that all of you have made as much progress as you have, and now I know that I'll do the same. I'll make sure I don't restrict myself too much, think too much about what the scale says, get impatient, or beat myself up if I don't get it right every single time.…
  • I guess I should say something about my rationale for my diet, because it does sound a little crazy. To maintain current weight, I need 3000 calories—so I still eat about 2000 calories a day. If I'm successful, and I reach my goal weight (200-230lbs...I'm not sure), I will need about 2000-2500 to maintain that new weight.…
  • Hey ya'll. I'm 29, and I want to lose about 120lbs. I started last month, and I've dropped about 10 as of my last weigh-in (on Wednesday). I'm hoping I can keep up the same pace of 2-3 lbs every week—I'll try my best, and I know you folks will too.
  • I bought a FitBit Flex three days ago because I was feeling a bit lost trying to lose weight on my own. I didn't know exactly how active I was, and I didn't know if I was eating enough food to lose weight safely. So far, the experience has been revelatory. Wearing a FitBit while keeping up with MFP—even if only for a few…