shorhota Member


  • You put food in your body. Your body takes what it needs, and can. If you start getting medical symptoms of a deficiency, THEN you can worry. In the meantime, you're fine. If we were all striving to optimize our nutritional efficiency, we'd be drinking tasteless grey formulations through a straw six times per day.
  • I find it very difficult to resist temptation, so I give myself "rewards" that I have to earn. I get a bit of dark chocolate, which has monounsaturated fatty acid so it is good in moderation, every now and again, for resisting going to McD's with the girls at work, or for a great workout, etc. (dark chocolate also helps me…
  • I find I have to about double my fibre over what MFP suggests. I take benefibre dissolved in water, in addition to leafy greens, apples, carrots, and legumes. You might try eliminating wheat from your diet for a week or two, and see if that helps. Some people find that once the gluten is eliminated from their diets, their…